Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Paris and I ~ 'This Is A Stick Up'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ This Is A Stick Up ~

This Is A Stick Up, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

By all accounts the Paris street artist is a pretty discrete dude. Which is why i was quite surprised to come across these two in one of the city's main tourist areas on a Sunday afternoon.

They were decorating one of Montmartre's favourite fleeting graffiti passages with a quizzical-looking stick-on paper guy, along with his question mark thought processes.

Graffiti isn't really the word for it, as it's not simple name spraying, or 'tagging, as it's called here. Whether this figure qualifies as art and genuinely makes people think, or dare i say 'question', is anybody's guess.

What is unusual is that they are putting it up in broad daylight under the noses of about 50 tourists and other passersby, some of whom even started snapping them in the act (see above). Now if that isn't indiscreet, i don't know what is.

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Hummm... I have mixed feelings. The purist says any form of tagging is wrong, but the artist/photographer loves the creative ones like this. I also enjoy the discovery of discrete ones from artists known for a particular mark (like the red arrow). Thanks for capturing these artists in the act!

Sab said...

My feelings are twofold: just how genuinely artistic it is (within reasonable limits of pleasantness to look at) coupled with where it's done.

For my own stuff (Infinity Squared), I don't put it anywhere I think it will genuinely degrade the environment or make people's lives less interesting or rich.

Others will certainly beg to differ and in the end everything comes down to personal opinion but you can only try.

These guys' stuff could be torn down in a second so that also adds to the intrigue in a way. Enjoy it while it lasts...

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