It goes back a long way, our love story. That makes 16 years i've been here now, and counting. In a few more I'll have been here half my life; had (at least) two kids here; photographed more streets and monuments and drainpipes and graffiti from more angles than i could ever remember. Taken wonderful people from all over the world on photographic discovery tours of this amazing city for all of us.
Just a couple of days ago i did my most popular tour, Mysterious Montmartre, with a charming New York lady, and came away with a bagful of great, unexpected shots. That's the beauty of street photography. You can never know what's going to happen or what's going to present itself to you. You just have to be ready. As Robert de Niro said in 'Heat': That's the Discipline'.
So it's with great pleasure that i invite you to join me on this latest project: taking lots of Paris pictures with the simple creative restictions imposed upon me by the Apple iPhone - to see how creative i can be within the limits of a far from ideal tool, and yet... an yet. We will see.