Sunday, 13 January 2013

What Goes Up...

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ What Goes Up... ~

What Goes Up... by Paris Set Me Free
What Goes Up..., a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Here is one of the key graffiti corners of Montmartre but the blessing is flawed. By the simple fact that you seem to be able to put anything up on the inside of this little archway, you should also be prepared to have it torn down, smashed up or papered over by the same token.

For this reason you really have no idea what's going to confront you each time you come to pass, which is interesting.

This little passageway winds past the back of the 'I love you' wall park and up a steep staircase to another favourite photo op - Amélie's grocery store from the film (almost) everyone knows and loves.

Paris Pix on iTunes & Google Play!
I've noticed more and more new categories of street art popping up recently. As well as the usual mindless scrawl and sometimes artful tagging of people's monikers, there are the now classic stencils of the likes of Miss.Tic and Jef Aerosol. But recently, amongst many others there's a trend for sticking up paper graffiti, as well as gluing stuff onto walls like Gregos' face and wooden painted octopuses and other inventions.

The advantage over actually painting the wall itself is that they're quick to put up. The downside is they're equally quick to come down, and down they do come, unless you go to extreme measures, or 'heights' to try and avoid this happening. The problem with putting them way up high is that you start to remove yourself from the public gaze, at eye-height at least.

If I get around to putting more stuff up I think I'll keep it around about head-height and leave its fate to the powers that be. I can't see me standing at the top of a ladder guerilla-pasting in the middle of the night for all I'm worth.

I've just had a request for a graffiti shoot and I know exactly where we're going to go, but I'll only tell you if you ask - it's a-maz-ing. A badly kept secret but not one everyone knows about nevertheless. See you in the.. XXth!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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