Tuesday, 1 January 2013

1000 Billets-Doux For Paris

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ 1000 Billets-Doux For Paris ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!


The New Year's here and I promised myself never to start another 'love locks' posting with the words 'Love them or loathe them', so I won't.

Something tells me, though, that 20-13 is going to be the year they finally decide to do something about these things. In many cases they are, I imagine, far heavier than the support - the metal mesh of the bridge sides, here on the Pont des Arts - they are definitively attached to.

My guess is that more and more of the panels will be replaced as the locks start to destroy the railings as they have already started to do. So if you are one of the now thousands of romantics or trend-followers who have sealed your tryst on these here shores, its days may be numbered.

Paris Pix on iTunes & Google Play!
On the other hand, on a more positive note, I'm feeling particularly optimistic about this coming year. I'm not sure why, and maybe it's just because 2012 was a peculiar one for me, but I have the feeling it's going to be a goodie. I hope it's the case for you too.

That'll do for now. It just remains for me to tell you that, by chance, and not in the right order due to my getting behind, this is actually Paris and I's 1000th post!

It's hard to believe I've made it this far, pinning one thousand of these things to the fabric of my blog started just a little under three years ago. I didn't think I could do it. And that in itself gives me hope. I am able to carry something through.

Not only is it highly symbolic for me, but I've also got out a lot of thoughts and ideas into the open which would otherwise have stayed hidden or supressed or simply not have existed at all. I heartily recommend you do something similar. It's the regular small things which eventually become a precious habit which enable you to accomplish something big without even realising it.

So here's to 2013; here's to big plans tackled a little at a time; here's to satisfaction on a daily basis; here's to friendship and creativity and enthusiasm. Here's to us and a better world over the next 12 months. Here's to growth.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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