Saturday, 26 January 2013

The Snow Must Go On

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ The Snow Must Go On ~

The Snow Must Go On by Paris Set Me Free
The Snow Must Go On, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

This pic got 500 people 'Liking' it and 50 comments about how nice it was when I posted it on Facebook. That's very gratifying, especially considering I didn't rate it so highly, either when I took it or afterwards, although I did like it a lot.

There must have been something about the combination of snow, and muted colours and perhaps the rather aimless-looking people and the overall atmosphere which pleased and caught people's imaginations.

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There are quite a few corners like this in Paris, but getting the right combination of elements, including what not to put in the pics - bright green rubbish bins, the back of tourists' heads, white vans... - is not at all easy.

In the end it must have been the snow that did the trick. I'm simply annoyed I didn't spend more time than I did trying to get more pics like this. In fact I was fairly breezing past all these wonderful spots in an effort to complete a north-to-centre Paris hike in record time. Not that I'd done it before. It took me an hour and a half in the end. But in the end I was foolish not to have slowed down and done more snapping, especially considering I was alone in my endeavours.

What is it about a covering of the white stuff which charms people so? I mean, it's cold, slippery, messes up the transport system and prevents us from going about our daily grind in our usual efficient manner. It must be all those childhood Christmas cards, I suppose, and snowmen, and excited children running and laughing, and a certain feeling of the world stood still and things not being as bad as we thought they were, even if it's just for a moment.

P.S. I've just noticed that there is a green bin in this shot, but it kind of goes nicely with the door and the shutters, err, doesn't it?

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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