Friday, 4 January 2013

Seeking Closure

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Seeking Closure ~

Seeking Closure by Paris Set Me Free
Seeking Closure, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

The constatation that this will be the fate of a whole bunch more businesses in 2013 is almost a given.

Fermeture definitive; the sorry state of affairs for far too many honest enterprises in 2012. Definitive closure. I personally am not sorry to see the back of this year. There was something about it not quite right. Maybe it was the crisis but maybe something more.

2012 was a transition year for me more than many others. Paris seemed to stand still and my life appeared to be on hold.

I did get one thing clear; if I'm to get anywhere I need to concentrate, and preferably on one thing at a time and seriously.

Paris Pix on iTunes & Google Play!
Concentrating on one thing at a time is not my thing. I mean, I can concentrate, as I'm concentrating on writing these words now. But if it took me more than five to ten minutes to complete and 'definitively close' these thoughts I'd probably lose interest.

They call people like me butterflies, constantly flitting from one thing to another.

Yesterday I wrote two poems, almost exactly 24 hours ago. Perhaps I'll write another one now; perhaps not. And there you go. What has poetry got to do with Paris photography? But I needed that break from the intensity. Or is this piece a break from the passion of the poetry. It's hard to tell.

Which is the bread and butter, and which is the jam? What came first, and which supports which? Does a poem make a poet, or is it the other way around? Did Paris make me or did I make of Paris my saviour? Did Paris set me free, or am I begging of her to do so.

Fermeture definitive; you've just reached it. Sometimes I just need a ramble. There'll be more. Tonight it was hard. You know what I mean? The End for now.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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