Monday, 10 January 2011

My Brain For Your Boots

My Brain For Your Boots, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

I admit it's not quite Bruegel, but is there just a little something of the cavorting peasant to this one? You can be the judge of that.

So here's the Paris town hall, arguably the city's most beautiful building (well it's always impressed me greatly), with its annual Yuletide skating rink an' all.

I don't know if you've noticed this, but why does every one of these gently ephemeral treats seem to come obligatorily equipped with a couple of flash bastards who, despite appearances, have somehow gained the ability to hurtle around ballistically at warp speed, using little kiddies as unwitting slalom cones and generally scaring the crap out of everyone? Add to the 'should have been put down at birth' category, along with New Year's Eve car burners and macaroon spotters.

I'm sorry, that's rather harsh on the arsonists I guess. Let's settle for ninety nine lashes with a stale baguette and let no more be said about it. (Jaloux? Je???)

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog @ )

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