Monday, 19 November 2012

What's A Grecian Urn?

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ What's A Grecian Urn? ~

What's A Grecian Urn? by Paris Set Me Free

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

This is another of those Paris graffiti guys I've never understood but with 1000 of his pieces around the city - if it is indeed by Space Invader - there's no escaping him.

This one's slightly out of character, although he's diversified recently, in the shape of a Grecian urn. What's a Grecian urn? Not very much these day I guess...

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This is also on one of my favourite Parisian corners - I know, I'm always saying that but there are a lot of favourites - in the heart of the backside of Montmartre, if that isn't a contradiction of terms, and no, I'm not rewording it...

It's the place where you come down the hill from that lovely pink café, with the Montmartre vinevard on your right and end up just in front of the old and insufferably cute little Lapin Agile cabaret.

Rue Saint Vincent itself is charming, and there's a lane which goes past the cabaret where I've probably experienced my record sighting of dog-walkers - they seem to congregate there for some reason and there's an early photo somewhere on to prove it.

I always pass by here on my Montmartre photo tours and it's always the same; quaint, charming, oldey-worldey and tourist infested, but hey. I'm yet another happy snapper so I mustn't grumble - that would be high hypocrisy, not to be confused with Hippocrates of Cos, who was a great ancient Greek physician and a worthy fellow indeed. He probably urned a bit more.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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