Sunday, 4 November 2012

W.C. Wild Child

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ W.C. Wild Child ~

W.C. Wild Child by Paris Set Me Free
W.C. Wild Child, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Irish coffee, black and white Russians, B52s, margaritas... it doesn't matter what they look like when they go in or how much they cost... they all come out the other end pretty much the same. Hmmm.

The client I was with (from New Zealand) had one word for French toilets: disgusting. Not all, of course, but probably particularly those found in dodgy cafés, but she was lucky; the shiny aluminium receptacle this place offered was at least smooth metal and relatively gleaming. There are still plenty of tabac toilets which... aren't. That is to say there isn't a 'toilet' as such, as in the sitting kind, just a hole in the floor into which is vaguely deposited whatever matters most to you. And sometimes not.

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Turkish toilets, I think they're sometimes called and to be honest they're a bit of a hit and miss affair, in more ways than one. If you're lucky the last few people before you were roughly on target and the experience is more of a cardio workout for the thighs than anything else. If you're even luckier when you flush the thing a tidal wave of goodness knows what doesn't soak you up to the ankles.

I quite liked this one. Someone had at least gone to the trouble of decorating it in suitable style. You've gotta love the little guy peeing off the edge of what looks like the parapet of Notre Dame as he cheerfully points out the Eiffel Tower. Not to mention the modest little flower on the ladies snazzily sporting her I heart Paris t-shirt. What imagination. What ambiance. What fun!

A lot has been written about Parisian toilets, and some of it on Paris and I, so I've probably said enough. Except to give a little nod to the public toilets at Madeleine, variously referred to in tourist guides (yes!) as a 'best-kept secret', 'grand' and an 'art nouveau gem'. But that's for another time and another post - just cross your legs until then ;~S

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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