Monday, 12 November 2012

Search Term Surprise

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Search Term Surprise ~
Search Term Surprise by Paris Set Me Free
Search Term Surprise, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

The question is, do the search terms people use to find your blog reflect the vaguaries of the on-line world or reveal something deep and dark about the fabric of your blog (and hence you) itself.

The system I use allows me to see the most common search terms entered into Google which subsequently resulted in someone landing on a page of this Paris and I blog.

The top three were fairly unsurprising:

1) sab
2) sab_sab
3) parisandisab

Nothing seriously shocking there, although sab_sab suggests a certain desperation or lack of inventiveness on the part of the searcher ;~S

Numbers 3-6 is where things started to get a little weird:

4) just nude
5) plus fort que la passion l'illusion
6) happy holiday

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The fifth is a quote from a Miss.Tic graffito I photographed a while back. The sixth can only relate to some of my end-of-year ramblings I suppose. As for just nude, it's quite possible that I've used the N-word in relation to a sculpture or statue of some sort or other over the years so we'll let that one go.

Numbers 7-9 definitely enter the hinterland between reality and something much more disturbing...

7) lose your head
8) self blow job
9) tongue wall street

Almost as worrying is that people would actually enter such terms and we have to remember that they were probably not using them to actually search for this blog. At least I hope not! Lose your head probably relates to a living headless accordian player who haunts the Parisian back streets. Tongue wall street is linked to a stupid Wall Street English ad with people sticking their tongues out painted in various English language countries' flags so I can see where that came from.

As for number 8, and I hesitate to repeat it in case it shoots up to number one in the search term chart, at first glance the mind boggles. Having thought about it though, I remember describing an autumn leaf-blower's job in such terms, minus the 'self' bit mind you. I can only imagine certain Googlers' consternation on falling upon a Paris street cleaner. Ooh errr!

Number 10 is possibly a summing up of the entire blog...

10) "the worst of english language"

Luckily, only one person has stumbled upon Paris and I in the past month by typing such a term but still - it gives confidence to a chap!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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