Wednesday, 14 November 2012

The London Equation

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ The London Equation ~
The London Equation by Paris Set Me Free
The London Equation, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

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Heading off to London for a few days always has me comparing the two cities.

I'm kind of sorry I don't feel the same way about London as I do about Paris. A lot of French feel the same way about the British capital as I do about the French one.

What I don't think London has at the moment is a building construction area / bomb site the size of several football pitches slap bang in the middle of it known as Les Halles, or even 'The Halls'...

One of the reasons I like Paris so much though is its ability to welcome the new and vibrant whilst preserving the old and honourable.

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When I go back to the Old Smoke nowadays I see it through the eyes of a somewhat cynical tourist, and there are a few areas which could almost be called charming at a stretch, but plenty more I wouldn't want to venture out into on a dark night.

It's probably a case of being wary of what you're not familiar with. There are parts of Paris I quite happily tread which I'd probably be well advised to avoid with a barge pole.

In the background of this shot you can see what I presume is going to be the famous canopy which will cover the eastern end of the whole affair. The green blobby rectangle in the middle of the map is what the area's supposed to turn out like.

London is proud of its rambling parks but for me it's altogether too big and spread out. Give me Paris with its little patches of green all over the place and I'll be happy, despite the occasional urban eruption or two every few years. Don't get me wrong - I'm slowly growing fond of London again, especially for the pubs (nostalgia), the fish and chip shops (haute cuisine) and bookshops (kulcha) as well as, yes, the odd park or two for the nature quotient in the equation. See you in four days mate, awl right?

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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