Saturday, 24 September 2011

Reductio Ad Absurdum

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Reductio Ad Absurdum ~

Reductio Ad Absurdum, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

One of the best things about the Jardin de Luxembourg is the sculptures - ever-changing, ever intriguing, and you never know when you'll stumble over a new one, or one you hadn't spotted before.

This one reminds me of one of my paintings from a few years back called 'Earth Lies Screaming', or something equally cheerful, with its raw red wounds and apocalyptic theme. There are a lot of memorials to Second World War inhumanity in Paris, and I don't know if this is one of them, but it certainly could be.

The word 'decimé', which I presume is French for 'decimated', meaning literally 'reduced to a tenth', give a further idea of the sombre nature of the work.

I find them inspiring rather than depressing though, and try to let the power of the art and its message dominate the experience in a positive way, even if the underlying theme is tragic.

They're not all miserable either. Right next to this one were some huge chain links, symbolically broken, representing hope for freedom of body and thought I imagine. Unless they had been restraining an unstable Paris chronicler with a sharpened tongue and a wayward wit, now on the loose, looking to savage allcomers with an arresting image and a sly turn of phrase. Now that would be worrying.
© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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