Monday, 26 September 2011

Fine Times Had By All

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Fine Times Had By All ~

Fine Times Had By All, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Welcome to Metro Beach, the latest crazy publicity stunt from those fun folks down at the RATP, which stands for Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, or the main Paris transport operator, responsible for the buses and metros which thunder through the city every day. Most people hate them, as I've already discussed on more than one occasion.

So in their desperate attempts to alleviate people's loathing they've starting holding funky events in some of their larger open spaces, like this one at Miromesnil on line nine the other day.

They don't really call it 'Metro Beach' of course. That would be too silly. But they did have beach parasols and live music and free coffee and orange juice being handed out by pretty bikini-clad metromaids. Well, actually that last bit's not quite true, and if you've read this post you'll be quite thankful it's not...

Anyway, I'm not wingeing or nitpicking; hey! - I like a free orange juice as much as the next weary traveller, and in fact would be more than happy for them to raise the cost of my monthly train pass by well over the rate of inflation to pay for all this malarkey instead of addressing the root of the problem, which is that they're not always as pleasant as they should be on a day to day basis.

Oh, they have. Well... that's, err, fine then. And we all know there's nothing they like more than a good fine or two...

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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