Sunday, 4 September 2011

BB at the PO (One Week Only)

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ BB at the PO (One Week Only) ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

If you want to have your journey to the Loire Valley blessed by this splendid image of 'BB' smiling iconically... you're too late. Much too late, for BB and the train.

For a start, Brigitte Bardot is no longer gracing this building-high hoarding covering up work on the façade. These have sprung up all over Paris this summer and are being justified (to those who object) that they help pay for the restoration works. The image on this one seems to be replaced on a weekly basis, which is why you'll probably never see her heart-churning smile in this exact place ever again.

The second reason for a distinct lack of BBness during your Paris to Orléans (P-O) trip from the above location is that... the last train to leave the old Gare d'Orsay was probably just a couple of years after Bardot's birth, and just before the Second World War, when the station's platforms had become too short for long-distance trains.

Trains to Orléans leave from the far less romantic Gare d'Austerlitz today, without a BéBé in sight, although there are usually still plenty of tired and fractious rejetons (brats kids), just like any big intercity station.

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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