Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Padlocked In Paris'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Padlocked In Paris ~

Padlocked In Paris, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!


This picture was one of those I used in the Paris If You Please Quiz the other evening, and the question was: "Which bridge are they sitting on, and which bridge are they looking at?"

The answer to the first is Passerelle Solferino, a pedestrian bridge, which of course some bright spark claimed wasn't a bridge as it is called a passerelle and to be honest I'm not quite sure of the difference.

The second bridge, the one the colourful couple are contemplating... well, no-one actually got this first time round either. So I gave them a clue. The clue was one word: 'King'. Still no-one got it.

And the bridge, which as you can see goes across from the left bank right into the Louvre, is called Pont Royal.

The Passage Solferino is one of maybe four or five Paris bridges which are currently prey to a peculiar tryst-making tirade: that of closing a padlock on the railings and throwing the keys away.

It was quite a cute curiosity when it first appeared on the Pont des Arts and that little one going over to Notre Dame, Pont de l'Archevêché.

But now I have to say it's getting out of hand. There's more locks than bridges these days, and in some cases those lacking padlocks spontaneously wrap... plastic supermarket bags around the metal and the result is a god-awful mess. Romantic, huh!

My intuition tells me that one day soon the Paris Town Hall is going to say 'un oeuf eez un oeuf' and come along with some heavy duty pliers and get rid of them all, breaking a million lovers' hearts in the process. Either that or the entire bridge is in danger of going down and leaving us all in the swim.

And what about you? I'm very curious about what YOU make of this phenomenon. Do you think it's the height of romanticism to leave a monikered padlock on a Paris bridge, or the height of tourist kitch? Personally... hmm, now just what do I think..?

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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