Monday, 13 June 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Sizzle Me Pizzle'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Sizzle Me Pizzle ~

Sizzle Me Bizzle, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Fête de la Musique, as I wallyishly remembered, is tonight, it's now and it's happening. I remembered because after an initial acapela musical encounter which I found 'charming' and photographed accordingly, I made my way to my central Paris train station and encountered more and more music and more and more minglers, and it finally clicked. Like a sound effect on a cheap digital camera.

Having fifteen minutes before my train (the accapella singers will have to hold that note, coz tonight's not their night on Paris & I) I resurfaced at St. Michel and sophistically scanned the scene.

Circumventing the drunks and the scantily-clad women I eschewed the sacred Seine and a sudden urge for swimmin' to stumble across a mom and pop group singing sixties, complete with disconsolate urchin clinging to the singers' legs, turning their earnest 'Paint It Black' a decidedly lighter shade of wail...

Still, the pitch-haired camera-wielding tourists didn't seem to mind, reminding me just how much I love Paris in the summer, when it sizzles, not forgetting the drizzly seasons of course when it's arguably even more enchanting. Just ask Cole or Ella or Frank or Screaming Jay, or even Vanessa or why not Mick? I'm sure they'll all give you a little hint of 'why'. And as for me.. ;~S

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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