Sunday, 5 June 2011

Do Not Adjust Your Set

Do Not Adjust Your Set, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

This is the little park in front of the Paris church (under renovation, just for a change) where I eat my lunch, my pre-work McShhhonalds Egg Muffin and occasionally a little snack before heading home.

It's a colourful place.

Not only do all the bustling young (and not so young) things hustle for uncrapped upon bench space (the pigeons ingest and deject the remains of our gustatory activities with equal gusto), but we have to vie for eyeballs with violently vestimented Nigerian nannies who eschewing traditional garb for a while let up not one iota on the retina wrenching palette.

Advised by a French colleague that coral and white are in this summer, the television screen of primary (and the odd secondary) colours parading before my eyes takes some adjusting to.
Then again, the same French colleague also said that 'flashy', as in 'flashee' with a French accent, is also 'in', so maybe our pushchair pushing rainbow lady could slip into that category at a... push.

And while I'm in full parenthesis mode today (as I see I certainly am), I'll just add that my favourite bench in said Paris church park (Eglise de la Sainte-Trinité, in case you want to go and see for yourself) features a little mouse who scuttles full pelt back and forth between the bushes behind me and the bushy border in front (next to the kiddies playground where the TV lady lives), no doubt picking up any crumbs and scraps he can on the way. Our church mouse, on the other hand, sports a rather conservative but functional dusty-grey outfit, quite in keeping with his surroundings and modus operani nevertheless, and timelessly classic, it has to be said, if not particularly catholic. Horses for courses, or 'mices for hices', as Prince Charles probably wouldn't say (one for the Brits to savour there) (last brackets) (promise).

It's a colourful world indeed.

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog @ )

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