Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Model Makeover

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Model Makeover ~

Model Makeover, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!


Just round the corner from Rue Saint-Denis in Paris, that notorious red light street and its environs, a new 'concept boutique' has seen the light of, well, night.

Drawing heavily on its Amsterdam counterparts for inspiration, this boutique-with-a-difference offers affordable debauchery on a come-as-you-are basis.

Narrowly escaping city indecency laws, this 'poor man's prostitute shop' only gets away with such a blatant street front display through the fact that the goods on offer, far from flesh and finary, are more like plastic and polystyrene.

But still, in these hard-up times, there's generally a market for anything, and if there isn't, well, you know what they say: why not start one yourself?

Judging by a straw poll on customers leaving the shop, the general feeling is that the service on offer is rudimentary but 'correct' for the price, as the French would say.

It's pretty much self-service, with clients even having to hump the models out of the window and into the back room themselves before humping them back there after the business has been concluded.

Never having sampled the delights of any such services à la personne (which I believe you can get a tax rebate on if you're clued up), I honestly couldn't say how this initiative measures up to the 'real thing'.

In any case, after a few moments of awkward hesitation nervously fingering the hard wad in my pocket, I finally decided to keep my readies, let the pixels do the talking, and slunk off into the night, whence I came.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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