Sunday, 18 March 2012

Clean Out of the Night

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Clean Out of the Night ~

Clean Out of the Night, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

They come shuffling in a little after dusk in dribs and drabs trailing the tools of their trade. Out of the darkenss, they appear, moving mechanically, almost mindlessly, huddles, trudging hopeless and helplessly towards their ultimate goal.

They are the bin women. Every time you throw your sandwich carton or coffee cup in the trash, and even when you don't (but you do, don't you), the rules is the rules: it can't be there tomorrow. Someone has to clean it all out, mop up the muck and whisk it all away. Before dawn. This is the bin women's job. It's work, if you can get it.

A little like the green-jacketed street cleaner scene seems to be run by a cartel of Senegalese (?) men, and the concièrge industry is still resolutely Portuguese, the bin emptying business has its own subculture, although I couldn't tell you what it is, but its members' complicity is evident.

As someone who also tends to roam station concourses at unusual hours, I often see these gals of the gloom, although the platforms and corridors and trains they actually clean up are always lightly Brit. No, that's me. I mean brightly lit.

If you want to get some good pics of the aforementioned green guys - the street cleaning crew, then early morning's your timeslot. To each their own witching hour. Just letting you know.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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