Sunday, 11 March 2012

Love's Paramour

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Love's Paramour ~

Love's Paramour, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Such an unassuming little statue in a discrete little square, and yet she's been one of my favourites for many years.

Much less imposing in 'real life' than she seems in this photo, this pubescent girl is almost disturbingly alluring, exhibiting her nascent womanhood with a confidence and insouciance to turn more than one male eye.

Hmm, maybe that's why she's one of my favourites...

In all these years, strangely, I've never noted, if it's there to note, the name of the artist, but in a way that's the greatest compliment. Her or his creation has become more important than its creator. An artist's ultimate goal? A sort of immortality, as it were, at least for now.

The girl on the bench, by the way, was quite beautiful, and I like the fact that the statue's pose is almost saying "See if I care; look what I've got!" as she flouts her sensual sexuality brazenly.

I'm rather pleased, then, with this shot of an old accomplice, which just goes to show; the light was fading, the statue is surrounded by gloom-inducing trees, and I'd long abandoned hope of doing much else of note with her outside of my fantasies.

That hand on hip; those elbows far from ingenuously deployed; forbidden fruits are pleading to be plucked and the potential's almost palpable...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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