Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Here, There & Everywhere

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Here, There & Everywhere ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

If I was hoping for a Googe search for 'Paris graffiti everywhere' to help me get to the bottom of these ubiquitous posters, painted 'slogans' and tear-off notices, I had to think again.

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How many internet folks have, at some time, said that graffiti in Paris is 'everywhere', I wonder. Hmm. Me included, I'm sure.

So that didn't help. But what you do often see in Paris is these anonymous, intriguing and occasionally thought provoking messages scattered around the place, and I'm not talking just about this 'Everywhere' phenomenon above. But this one is big right now. Someone must be working hard at being 'everywhere' in pure anonymity. You might, like me, wonder why.

When I put my stuff up in the streets of Paris, well, I've almost stopped putting my name, but I give clues nevertheless. I'd find it hard to produce something creative without the possibility for interested parties to track me down if they felt so inclined.

My 'tag' is 'infini2' (infini carré / infinity squared) and when I put 'Paris infinity' into Google, I, at least, found my abstract art construction video on the first page. Weird. Anonymity, that is. What can it all be about? It's almost annoying not knowing. And, in the end, that might be the entire point. Bloody artists.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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