Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Ils Sont Fous Ces Bloggeurs!

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Ils Sont Fous Ces Bloggeurs ! ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Of course I'm not the first to post a picture of one of these curious signs on a Paris-themed blog, nor is it the first time I've come across them and though that I must do just that.

But sometimes you don't have a camera with you and other times you forget but this time I did and I didn't, and here's the result.

I actually made this a quiz question on my Paris If You Please Facebook page, and it didn't take long for someone to tell us that it's Rue Réni Goscinny in the 13th arrondissement, right next to Les Frigos which I wrote most recently about here as part of my new 'Fading Paris Finds' series - check it out!

And what's the deal about Rue Réni Goscinny, some of you may be asking. Well, it's named after one of the creators of the legendary, and very funny, Astérix and Obélix comic books, which are revered as masterpieces of the genre in France and the world over.

He also almost single-handedly created the 'proper' job of being a comic script writer, or at least made it respectable. Writing 'graphic novels', as we're now supposed to call these grown-ups' comics, as now considered a major art form in its own right here in France of course. And when you see some of the magnificent works on the shelves of every bookstore in the city you can see why.

"Il sont fous ces Romains!" (They're crazy, these Romans) has now entered everyday parlance and every French person knows the phrase by heart, which then gets twisted to suit whatever situation is needing commenting on. Such as 'Ils sont fous ces bloggeurs!' And they'd probably be right.

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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