Thursday, 13 December 2012

Wall To Wall Wooze

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Wall To Wall Wooze ~

Wall To Wall Wooze by Paris Set Me Free
Wall To Wall Wooze, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Not that we want to encourage you to BUY ALCOHOL or anything but if you did plan to BUY ALCOHOL then we're certainly at your disposition to help you BUY ALCOHOL, despite its recognised negative effects to health but you know that when you BUY ALCOHOL, don't you?

This is the pretty mind-boggling display which greets you when you descend to level -1 in the Monoprix on the Boulevard Saint-Michel; wall-to-wall booze to make you go cross-eyed just looking at it.

Only $3.46 on Amazon!
Now is the season of our bonus spent on all manner of nonsense and absurdities, with the store tills ringing Jackpot! as we fritter and splurge like there's no tomorrow.

Buy buy buy is the message they're pushing, like every year, as the shops desperately try to get us to part with our hard-earned cash, and why not - that's the business they're in. Sometimes it's rather obscene the amount we spend on such frivolities when there are others who need a hot meal far more than we need another spray can of fake snow, but that's our society today, and I'm not into moralising but it does cross my mind now and then.

Today is bitterly cold and while we pretend that booze can warm us up, for the homeless it slows them down, leaving them to languish and sometimes die out in the winter wastes of Paris.

That's enough about that; I try to give a few coins when I can like the rest of us, and they are always greatly appreciated, which warms the heart just a little, probably far more than BUYING ALCOHOL ever could. As it should.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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