Monday, 17 December 2012

Right iFlipping Nightmare

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Right iFlipping Nightmare ~

iFlipping Nightmare by Paris Set Me Free
iFlipping Nightmare, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Developing an iPhone application, on one's own, is a bit like this photo. You sometimes feel like you're being swallowed up by some enormous beast, way out of your depth, an insignificant mote in an enormous machine and any number of other similar metaphors. It's scary.

In the end, not being a programmer / software engineer / ubergeek I could only hope to produce something extremely basic, but once I got the idea my mind started working overtime.

To cut a long story short, I now do have an iPhone app available in the iTunes store and the same thing in the Google Play store for Android devices, and I'm chuffed to bits.

Now on iTunes & Google Play!
It's basic stuff and it's free, but it was worth it just to have done it and say that it exists I reckon.

All it does is give instant access to all my latest blog posts, which are: this blog - Paris and I, for my Paris Photo Chronicles; Nikon and Me for my fancy camera photographic musings and photo analyses; and my Paris If You Please blog for all my Paris quirks and curios.

Then there are links to my Flickr photo stream and my You Tube videos. And a messaging function which I've yet to see working and an about page.

That's it. But hopefully someone will find it useful. Who knows? Certainly not me. I've no idea if there's a market for such things, even if it is gratis! But there, it's another piece of madness over with so I can move on to the next one, whatever that may be.

If you feel like trying it out I'd love to know if it actually works, but friendly feedback isn't so necessary. I know it's about as basic as you could get and simply saves you from having to check a random stream of blog postings if you happen to like keeping up with my Paris and photo content. See you on iTunes or Google Play!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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