Saturday, 22 December 2012

Feeling Phased

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Feeling Phased ~

Feeling Phased by Paris Set Me Free
Feeling Phased, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Phases... I'm going through phases, as Ozzy might have sung but chose changes instead.

This picture represents a phase of mine, when I stuck up some of my 3x3 tiled infinity squared art up on the streets of Paris. That was a phase.

You could say that this blog is a phase, but it's been going, more or less daily, for nearly three years now, so if it's a phase it's a long one.

English teaching was a phase, as was training teachers and writing an English language teaching book. Poetry is an on-going, on and off phase, when inspiration hits.

Paris Pix on iTunes & Google Play!
Photo tours are a long strung out phase. Sales rep for a computer company was a phase. Watersports instructing was a phase. Wedding photography was a phase. Waiting in a restaurant was a phase. Running a language school in Greece was a phase. Being married was a phase.

You'd be forgiven for thinking I'm feeling a bit fazed at the moment and you wouldn't be wrong.

Life's a succession of phases, but I guess some people's phases last longer than others'. Mine are short to medium term, which isn't always a good thing but I've come to realise there's not much I can do about it.

What I'm not so good at is long phases. More than a few months or years at the same thing. That's tricky; that's not me. I mean, it is or it can be. But in general it's the exception which proves the rule.

I think I'm looking for longer phases these days mind you. I've got kids, I've got responsibilities. And I think I've found where I can be happy, in two realms - the artistic and the intellectual, through photography, art, poetry and writing for the former, and the world of English teaching for the latter.

Paris and I is a beautiful phase although I do wonder how long I can keep it up. Can I honestly find a worthwhile photo and something interesting to say from now until I die? I doubt it, but I'm hoping this will be one of my longer phases. I owe it to myself.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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