Monday, 23 May 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Pont des Arts Pondering'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Pont des Arts Pondering ~

Pont des Arts Pondering, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

As a purely photographic consideration, it would be interesting to know if you feel this photo goes to far in the abstraction of the subject.

Of course I had less 'artisticky' versions, but the original was also almost impossibly dark - I'll include it here for comparison.

So I tried to both rescue it (i.e. make it usable at all thus not losing the moment) while at the same time making it worth publishing in its own right without it having to hold its head in shame in comparison to other images it might end up alongside.

Luckily, the vast range of (shhh..) post-processing possibilities we have on the iPhone allows us to do this with ease. But that doesn't guarantee that the result will please, which is why I'd be interested in your opinion on this.

Personally, I'm pleased with it, as I try to move my photos away from grim reality anyway, but there is an additional benefit which was as unexpected as it was welcome I reckon: the very messy picnic detritus lying on the Seine-side has got nicely blown out, allowing us to concentrate better on this contemplative moment as young Eric considers another year of PDP picnics to the hazy muse of the Pont des Arts and, further on, Lady Eiffel herself.

So the question is: what do you think of this photo, and what would you have done in my place. Be reading you.

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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