Saturday, 7 May 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Fuckin' Good Blog Post'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Fuckin' Good Blog Post! ~

Fuckin' Good Blog Post, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

We're in the 'Les Halles' shopping mall, central Paris' biggest, and this was the current promotion which greeted thousands of shoppers, commuters and cinema goers as they went about their business yesterday afternoon: 'Fuckin' Good DJ Radio'. Honestly, that's the name of it, and it's serious stuff, with a fancy web site and big name DJs and everything.

It's a great example of the best and the worst of English language and culture (you decide which this is) not so subtly infiltrating foreign sub-consciences.

Gone are the days when English teachers working abroad could trustingly ask for any English words the class knows in the knowledge that the best to hope for would be a few dogs and cats and the odd apple. These days any bunch of French school kids could easily smash out a resounding chorus of Lily Allen's ultra-catchy 'Fuck You' with no problem at all. The delicious irony being, of course, that the original was banned from the radio in her native country, which only helped it be an even bigger hit I guess.

The trickiest issue of all, though, is trying to convince French kids that it's really NOT OK to interjaculate with a casual 'fuck you' in polite English company such as when you're staying with your terribly middle class host family in the UK and the mother offers you some more of her best boiled potatoes and beef, which you consider execrable at best.

Oh well, such are the wonders of cross-cultural misunderstandings And if you didn't consider my ramblings today worth reading... well, no prizes for guessing what my response would be ;-)

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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