Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Here Is The News'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Here Is The News ~

Here Is The News, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

I ate my first McDonalds in over a month today. In an unrelated incident FBI 'Most Wanted' person, Oussama Bin Laden, was reported killed by American commandos yesterday.

A McDonald's '1955' Maxi Best Of Menu currently costs €7.95 in central Paris. In an unrelated incident, the newlyweds Prince William and Kate will be spending their honeymoon, and €4,500 per night, at a luxury residence in the Seychelles, according to Britain's Daily Mail.

Recent 'McDo' marketing initiatives include the 'McCafé' - their real-café-in-a-McDonalds concept, and a very annoying woman (I think it must be in the job description) with a fancy little hand-held device and a pointy thing who tries to harass you into giving your order whilst queuing, before you've even had a chance to decide, and above all before you reach the counter, where there seem to be a wide range of approaches for identifying what you ordered, getting you to pay for it and finally, theoretically, actually getting your hotly anticipated cold burger, 'freedom' fries and boisson into some sort of united state, along with napkins, straws, sauces and receipt on a tray near you within the following ten minutes or so. In an unrelated incident, highly trained professionals were able to drop into a heavily defended 'freedom' fighter compound, on the other side of their world, kill a particular individual and a couple of hangers-on, and fly out again, with only the loss of the odd $20m helicopter to bemoan.

And that's the end of the news. Tomorrow will be sunny with occasional storms. Or the other way round, I haven't decided yet.

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.


Rob said...

McNo! Not the dreaded McDonalds! So, how was the McMeal? Sadly, we Americans gave this contribution of Micky D's to the world. (sigh)

Sab said...

The meal was... well YOU know how a McDonalds meal is Rob - it fills a hole!

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