Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Pretty Flamingoes

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Pretty Flamingoes ~

Pretty Flamingoes by Paris Set Me Free
Pretty Flamingoes, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Those who once suggested that Paris was in danger of becoming a living museum must surely have to eat their berets these days.

By 'living museum' the idea was that the creativity and innovation had gone elsewhere and that the city was simply relying on its past to attract attention. These days, and for many years now, there has been no end of fascinating events, exhibitions and happenings to amuse, entertain and sometimes baffle us. The Nuit Blanche ( the Paris 'sleepless night' with tons of weird light animations and sculptures) is a case in point.

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The term 'living museum' was mean to be derogatory but one of my, and many people's pleasures is just wandering the streets to see what inventive souls have come up with next.

Here's we're in the first arrondissement in between Les Halles and Rue de Rivoli, with a nice example of how you can exhibit your individuality even amongst the regimented Haussmannian architecture of the French capital.

My other favourite was a big green rat (not a real one) running down a drainpipe in the 14th, which will be buried deep in the annals of Paris and I somewhere - if you can find it you're a better scavenger than I.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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