Sunday, 21 October 2012

Back To The Wall

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Designated Street Art Area ~

Back To The Wall by Paris Set Me Free
Back To The Wall, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

This guy cropped up on a wall just behind the Institut de France the other week, minus the black moustache of course, but it didn't take long for some wag to add his contribution.

It looks like it was inspired by the Gregos face plaster casts you can find all over the city now, but it's quite different. For a start it's more like the sort of African mask you'd find in the Branly museum, and secondly it seems to be made out of stone similar to the wall it's stuck on.

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There's possibly a touch of the Picassos in there too, around the eye and nose area, but it makes a pleasant change from your usual stuff and an exciting find for one like myself who kind of collects (pictures and sightings of) such things.

It's the only one I've seen so maybe just a one-off but it would be nice to see a succession of African tribal masks spring up on unexpected corners. The amount of new street art in Paris at the moment is amazing - it seems like there's a new serial sticker popping up every week.

Let me know what your favourites are and post them on the Paris If You Please Facebook page, why don't you, so we can all enjoy...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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