Friday, 26 October 2012

Get Ye Down To Shakespeare & Co. My Son

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Get Ye Down To Shakespeare & Co. My Son ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

It's been, oh, at least a couple of days since I posted a Shakespeare pic so here's another one, just for the hell of it.

It's the side which you can't actually go in, on the left, but which is in many ways even more charming than the actual bookstore front itself, what with its picture of Uncle Billy up there and the written panels and charming name design and all.

Now on iTunes & Google Play!
I feel a bit sorry for all the other English language bookshops in the city sometimes. There's a guy just around the corner with a curious and crowded (with books) little store, but he has to put notices up all over the place to get people to stop by. Canadian I think it is - the Abbey Bookstore, that's it.

And then there's good old W.H.Smith, completely different from Shakespeare and Company of course, but in its way just as wonderful, for book worms like myself, at least. And now they have an English food section selling such delicacies as Curly Whirlies and strong English cheddar - heaven.

There are plenty of other little places like this which I've yet to discover - Tea and Tattered Pages is a name I've known about for almost decades but never made it to yet.

The Red Wheelbarrow's another. Brentano's was good too and Galignani on Rue de Rivoli right near W.H.Smith, and the first English book shop on the continent is another haunt.

But in the end, having discovered the place in this picture and subsequently read poetry in the little upstairs library, even writing a poem about the place and running a little photo group for a while, well, there isn't any competition really.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Village Voice in the 6th closed recently:(

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