Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Pretty Flamingoes

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Pretty Flamingoes ~

Pretty Flamingoes by Paris Set Me Free
Pretty Flamingoes, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Those who once suggested that Paris was in danger of becoming a living museum must surely have to eat their berets these days.

By 'living museum' the idea was that the creativity and innovation had gone elsewhere and that the city was simply relying on its past to attract attention. These days, and for many years now, there has been no end of fascinating events, exhibitions and happenings to amuse, entertain and sometimes baffle us. The Nuit Blanche ( the Paris 'sleepless night' with tons of weird light animations and sculptures) is a case in point.

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The term 'living museum' was mean to be derogatory but one of my, and many people's pleasures is just wandering the streets to see what inventive souls have come up with next.

Here's we're in the first arrondissement in between Les Halles and Rue de Rivoli, with a nice example of how you can exhibit your individuality even amongst the regimented Haussmannian architecture of the French capital.

My other favourite was a big green rat (not a real one) running down a drainpipe in the 14th, which will be buried deep in the annals of Paris and I somewhere - if you can find it you're a better scavenger than I.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Comme une Lettre à la Poste

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Comme une Lettre à la Poste ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

My Paris Top 10 has ground to a halt somewhat over on Paris If You Please I'm afraid. Not having an iPhone for two months didn't help, although it did help me get two months behind with this blog which was a pain.

I'm not even sure if I've started a Top 10 Paris letterboxes, but if and when I do this will surely be in it.

Tucked away in a dark corner of Montmartre, it's a little beauty, with its golden pigeons delivering their letters on a charming black roofed box.

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Unfortunately two of my all time favourite grungy, rusting, peeling letterboxes, also in Montmartre, will never feature here, having been painted a mind-numbingly boring light grey. I've still got them on my Paris Set Me Free site somewhere though, if you want to go digging.

So, now that the spark of Top 10s is shining again I'm looking for inspiration and ideas. In terms of house features there are doors, of course, and door knobs and knockers. There are also the rather weird 'wheel-chasers', and possibly old bells, although I don't have any worthwhile examples of those yet.

I've got the standard ones on my list at least: bridges (done), churches (not started), drain covers (in progress), street graffiti (not classic stuff - pavement slogans), wall plaques and suchlike. I guess I could go really obscure and do a Top 10 paint peels, top ten sale signs, top ten street lamps and who knows where it would end. Maybe never. Keeps me busy anyway, better than basket weaving...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Going Down

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Going Down ~

Going Down by Paris Set Me Free
Going Down, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

This photo didn't inspire this poem, nor did the poem inspire the photo, but when I was looking for an image to illustrate the piece, this one seemed to suggest itself.

There's something profound, if you'll excuse the unintentional pun, about heading down deep into the earth which goes way beyond a simple escalator ride. I've always enjoyed such images. You really look like you're not only getting swallowed up by the earth but passing on through to the 'other side' of something.

I know there's no other side, silly, but you know what I mean and such things are in our culture so it kind of conjures them up.

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I love associating pictures and poems (and simple prose like this) - it's probably one of my greatest pleasures in life. Sometimes, well, often it's the picture which inspires the prose, as that's how I write these chronicles. But with my poems I frequently need to go scurrying through my back catalogue of images for one to fit the words, which have often come first.

Blur's another important factor. No, not the group, the effect! If this picture had been sharp it wouldn't have worked nearly as well. Blur makes things universal and not personal. The person heading down down is now any person, not just some woman in a grubby cream coat with a black bag.

I often look for this 'universality' in an image - something that will apply to many circumstances or emotions and therefore hopefully appeal to many people. The thing with blur is, it has to look as though it was meant to be blurry, otherwise people will just think you couldn't hold the camera steady!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

A Drop Of Madness

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ A Drop Of Madness ~

A Drop Of Madness by Paris Set Me Free
A Drop Of Madness, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

The French have an expression about the drop which makes the glass flow over. In English we talk about straws and camels' backs.

This isn't a pub sign, although it surely should be. It's for a wine seller, as in buy and go away with the unopened bottle, as opposed to the other kind, which is called a wine bar.

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The sign is superb, and maybe in three hundred years it'll be hanging somewhere in the wonderful first room of the Carnavalet Museum alongside the Black Cat cabaret sign and other wonders.

The glass seems to be embedded in the sign and even the eponymous last drop dripping woefully from the bottle appears to be a beautifully back-lit transparent crimsony blood-red, if there is such a thing.

This stands at one of my favourite little crossroads in the whole city but I shouldn't say any more as it's on my Paris photo tours and I can't give you all my secrets, now can I?

The French probably have another expression about wine loosening tongues, although probably not about fluidifying late night blogging fingers but I'm in danger of the latter so I'll stop here as the last drop looms. And a very good thing too! O! That way madness lies...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Scaling The Peaks

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Scaling The Peaks ~

Scaling The Peaks by Paris Set Me Free
Scaling The Peaks, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

I have a friend who insists that Dalida was practically flat-chested, but don't bother telling that to the Paris brass-rubbers association who gather at Place Dalida daily.

Hot on the appeals of Montaigne's foot and Victor Noir's Père Lachaise, ermm, fertility bulge, it now seems that the in vogue items for fondling at the moment are this European starlet's womanly charms.

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It's funny that not too many Brits or Americans I've lusted through here with actually know who she was, but the French certainly do, and show their appreciation in no uncertain terms as do giggling Italian tourists.

I was one of those ignorant Brits but now know that she sang Parole Parole, which for some reason my partner always sings at me whenever I'm talking about some grand scheme or other. I think it means blah-blah, or less kind words to that effect.

Anyway, she's always one (or two) of the high points on my Montmartre ramblings with or without clients and it's interesting to see how many have heard of her and if that bloody white van which invariably spoils the most charming view in Paris which she's contemplating is there as usual. Such is life.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Get Ye Down To Shakespeare & Co. My Son

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Get Ye Down To Shakespeare & Co. My Son ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

It's been, oh, at least a couple of days since I posted a Shakespeare pic so here's another one, just for the hell of it.

It's the side which you can't actually go in, on the left, but which is in many ways even more charming than the actual bookstore front itself, what with its picture of Uncle Billy up there and the written panels and charming name design and all.

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I feel a bit sorry for all the other English language bookshops in the city sometimes. There's a guy just around the corner with a curious and crowded (with books) little store, but he has to put notices up all over the place to get people to stop by. Canadian I think it is - the Abbey Bookstore, that's it.

And then there's good old W.H.Smith, completely different from Shakespeare and Company of course, but in its way just as wonderful, for book worms like myself, at least. And now they have an English food section selling such delicacies as Curly Whirlies and strong English cheddar - heaven.

There are plenty of other little places like this which I've yet to discover - Tea and Tattered Pages is a name I've known about for almost decades but never made it to yet.

The Red Wheelbarrow's another. Brentano's was good too and Galignani on Rue de Rivoli right near W.H.Smith, and the first English book shop on the continent is another haunt.

But in the end, having discovered the place in this picture and subsequently read poetry in the little upstairs library, even writing a poem about the place and running a little photo group for a while, well, there isn't any competition really.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Digging In The Dirt

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Digging In The Dirt ~

Digging In The Dirt by Paris Set Me Free
Digging In The Dirt, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

The church Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis, like its neighbour, l'église Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais has always intrigued me.

Didn't they have enough churches to go around, or were saints just a bit too supernumerous in those days?

Whatever, they've just done up Paul and Louis' place and bally splendid it looks too.

The doors are actually a deep red and not the violent pink you see in this pic - blame my efforts to make the thing look presentable. There are four of these fine beasts in a row, with this curious gaping jowl look, possibly for some sort of knocker of yesteryear which is no more.

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These days all the fancy knockers are either gone or welded in place so you can't just whack away and see if anyone answers. That's what the interphone's for, alas.

So the église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis is the latest to succomb to the current penchant for sandblasting our good old grimy buildings to hell. It's true it was grimy, boy, was it black!

Now it's lovely and spanking brand new, as I mentioned in a recent post, and who knows what will be in the firing line next. I'm awaiting the fateful day when the backside of Sacré Coeur get's The Treatment. The Hôtel Dieu is looking terribly tarnished these days too next to the pristine new Conciergerie.

Watch this space; if there's Paris dirt to be churned over, rest assured: I'll be in there, saints willing.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Paint It Black

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Paint It Black ~

Paint It Black by Paris Set Me Free
Paint It Black, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

There are days when you remember all the greatest tracks and the first time you ever heard them, still crystal clear.

A Minstrel In The Gallery by Tull. A Fool No More by Peter Green, on that student radio way back when.

Rubber Ring by the Smiths. Yes I did. Closer To You (original version) by Momus. I tried.

Recently, Green Eyed Love, and the accompanying video wasn't bad at all. In the old days Paint It Black was exceptional.

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You Take My Breath Away by Queen did it for me back in the day. Making Plans For Nigel changed me forever... as did their Dear God...

And so many many many more.

Billy Bragg, Kate, Joni and Tracey. Not to mention the heavies - the Leds, the Deeps, the Judases, the Blacks... ahh, the Blacks...

I had to get my name from somewhere, after all...

And then they all come together, they never let me down, They never let me down. London Calling. Gotta See Jane. Seasons in the Sun. Ring of Bright Water.

It's almost a joke; the lack of space and boys bands, although Tripping is right up there in my top 10,000... you had to be there...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Your Nonsense Too

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Your Nonsense Too ~

Your Nonsense Too by Paris Set Me Free
Your Nonsense Too, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

There's got to be some sort of connection between this photo and something I can write about, and I'm about to find it through throwing words out there.

And there it is, honestly discovered at this instant; my throwing of words out there.

I'm in a different position to some writers; I have instant gratification. Or frustration. Two sides of the same coin, but it doesn't matter.

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The point is I'm throwing my words out there like this light is casting its beam across the city, lighthouse-like, perhaps hoping to prevent some unfortunate shipwreck. Or penetrate some shady enigma.

Or maybe that's too grand an illusion. Although if I ever inspire someone else to write on a regular basis I'll have at least achieved something...

No, what I aspire to is to radiate feelings and emotions around the globe, Paris tinged and tinted, on a daily basis. Is that a good aim? I hope so, because right now it's all I've got to give.

I've already had some feedback which hasn't been totally negative. Typical British understatement ;~s but not far from the truth...

Like this poor, unextended extending lamp - if you follow me you'll know what I mean - I limp along, offering up a few wanton words for your perusal. Perchance to dream. And dreaming's good for words if you ask me, which you didn't but it's my blog post, for you, so I'll say it anyway, as should you. Tomorrow I'll read your nonsense too!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Shiny Happy Steeple

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Shiny Happy Steeple ~

Shiny Happy Steeple by Paris Set Me Free
Shiny Happy Steeple, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Scarily white, this thing, the church Saint-Paul Saint-Louis, coz one saint ain't good enough, or they've got too many of them for churches to fit in, hell, what do I know..?

Anyway, it's shiny new and sparkling as part of the city's on-going sprucing up initiative, hot on the heels of the Conciergerie and Notre Dame and the Tour Saint-Jacques and other esteemed edifaces, and jolly nice it looks too.

One thing I dearly hope they haven't cleaned up, though, is the revolutionary graffiti inside - now that would be a crying shame for the curiosity hunters of the city, indeed.

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There's something about cleaning up old buildings... something ironically irreverential. In a way, a lot of their charm lies in their grime. Take the back of Sacré Coeur, for example. What a mess. A beautiful, grimy, grungy mess of the grot of ages. That's it, I've run out of gr-words to describe these things, but you get the idea. It gives character. And to see them so spanking brand new almost seems like a violation.

I'll live with it, but the gothic character of many of these structures goes with the grit (hah - found another one) - the gritty character that one would have thought no amount of sand-blasting could have removed but alas it is not so.

Now we have Disney-enhanced versions of our favourite monuments just lacking a couple of Mickey Mouse ears on top or an animated princess peeking out of a window to make them complete. How long for that? How long do you give them?

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Back To The Wall

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Designated Street Art Area ~

Back To The Wall by Paris Set Me Free
Back To The Wall, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

This guy cropped up on a wall just behind the Institut de France the other week, minus the black moustache of course, but it didn't take long for some wag to add his contribution.

It looks like it was inspired by the Gregos face plaster casts you can find all over the city now, but it's quite different. For a start it's more like the sort of African mask you'd find in the Branly museum, and secondly it seems to be made out of stone similar to the wall it's stuck on.

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There's possibly a touch of the Picassos in there too, around the eye and nose area, but it makes a pleasant change from your usual stuff and an exciting find for one like myself who kind of collects (pictures and sightings of) such things.

It's the only one I've seen so maybe just a one-off but it would be nice to see a succession of African tribal masks spring up on unexpected corners. The amount of new street art in Paris at the moment is amazing - it seems like there's a new serial sticker popping up every week.

Let me know what your favourites are and post them on the Paris If You Please Facebook page, why don't you, so we can all enjoy...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Playing My Song

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Playing My Song ~

Playing My Song by Paris Set Me Free
Playing My Song, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

There's this little bar I know just off the Canal Saint-Martin. It's the funniest place.

There's always someone playing and they and their entourage fill about half the joint. When they're not outside smoking one.

There's a little dog-sausage that scuttles around the floor from time to time.

There's the perpetually sad owner who lost his two daughters (I believe) in a fire in these very premises.

It's the only place I ever get so out of it that I touch a cigarette, for someone who NEVER smokes.

The time before last I lost my computer and expensive camera on the way home (but didn't fall in the river).

You can always talk to the band; as I said, everyone seems to know them, including me by the end of the evening.

They serve cheap bottles of beer called Mythos, which reminds me of when I went to Greece to get divorced.

There are places like this in Paris, and this is one of them. It was a good night. I think. One of the band'll know...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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