Saturday, 9 June 2012

Saturation Point

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Saturation Point ~

Saturation Point, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Nothing like a gaze down from the top of the Arc de Triomphe to witness some seriously suicidal tendencies at their best I reckon.

Although having said that, this seems to be a relatively calm Arc de Triomphe afternoon, I'd say.

It's been called the largest car park in the world, and in rush hour it can seem that way. I remember the chaos of the '95 strikes when half the city was walking or rolling to work one way or another, while the other half were equally busy polluting the atmosphere at the excessive pace of about 1km an hour in their virtually stationary vehicles. Ah, memories.

That was the year I'd attempt to rollerblade from Saint Germain en Laye, smart business women were thumbing lifts at the side of the road like cheap hookers and our company bought us bikes in an attempt to get us to the clients' offices on time. We had some pretty small classes those days though!

I was living on a barge out in the suburbs, and with no RER A you were really screwed, I can tell you. And then there was the snow (I believe, it's all getting a bit hazy these days). We'd get up at 5 in the morning on our more enthusiastic days in order to try and get to our rendez-vous. On less enthusiastic days we had a fairly authentic excuse, except, unfortunately, if you didn't turn up you didn't get paid, which was a bummer.

Looking back the nostalgia almost makes me want to live it again , but in reality I know it was the pits. There are still plenty of strikes to enjoy, expecially around November and December time, so I'm not missing them that much.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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