Friday, 23 December 2011

Cooing For Catalonia

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Cooing For Catalonia ~

Cooing For Catalonia, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Dreaming of Barcelona would be possible on a chilly, rainy Paris street in dreary December just before Christmas I guess. All the more so since I often spend the time of the year in this Catalonian city. But not this year. This poster is probably as close as I'll get to Northern Spanish delights.

Of course, I'm not complaining. There are worse places to be than where I am, much worse. Well, maybe not a lot worse than standing in front of this poster next to a building site in the 13th arrondissement but you know what I mean.

It's funny, when you live in one of the world's most daydream inducing destinations, how do you make the locals dream in order to buy your outta town products.

But then again I'm always amazed by how many Parisians consider London so much more exciting and exotic than Paris. It's a dump! Well, ok, no, but for me the opposite is true. Which just goes to show. Beware of the 'grass is always greener' syndrome.

And what the F is F***book doing up there on a billboard advertising Spanish champagne? Now that's a sign of the times if ever there was one. G**gl* must be gritting their teeth...

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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