iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Golden Blog Awards: Non-Loser ~
Oh good. So I saw a couple of fellow bloggers blogging (well, they would, wouldn't they?) about being at the aforementioned event, of which I was blissfully unaware, and thankfully unconcerned.
Of course, the question comes to mind: what would I do if someone said to me that there was a chance I would win such a mish-mash of subjectivity and pointlessness. You'll be getting the idea that I don't hold award ceremonies in much stead, and you wouldn't be wrong.
I don't know. I might use it cynically as a way of getting more exposure, but then again I might not.
As soon as I discovered the music of Burial, I knew that I'd found a soundscape-making foil to my images. I'll make a slideshow backed by one of his tracks one day, I'm sure of it.
And like him, I don't really have aspirations to - oops, I typed 'greatness' and then deleted; make of that what you may - establishment defined success. As you all know, I love the underground...
And even if I had been aware of this event, and even if I had entered, I'm pretty much certain that I wouldn't have won, for a variety of reasons, first and second amongst them being that my blog isn't in French and is - hopefully - too left of centre for them to handle. If the latter weren't true I'd be truly disappointed.
Not that I aim to shock or to be controversial in any way, as you regular readers already know. I simply create picture 'n' word mindscapes for you to consume if you wish, nothing more than that.
And again, Burial's words, when asked about his aspirations, come pretty close to mine: "I'm a lowkey person and I just want to make some tunes, nothing else".
Ragged rhythm on!
And if you know his music, you'll be able to see the parallels I'm drawing between the beats and atmosphere he produces and images like the one above, as I see it anyway.
I'm even hesitating to replace my current iPhone 3GS with the 4S. I don't want to lose the magic that comes from imperfection. This shot was taken of the saddest-without-being-sad (Paris strikes can do that to you) Asian girl I've ever seen, as I was pretending to talk to someone on the phone about when the next friggin' train was supposedly coming. She didn't feel a thing.
You can't imagine how delighted I am to be a non-loser at the 2011 Paris Golden Blog Awards, and I'd like to thank my family, friends and followers for supporting me throughout this grand adventure. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
© 2011 Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
© 2011 Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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