Saturday, 22 September 2012

For The Record

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ For The Record ~

For The Record by Paris Set Me Free
For The Record, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

If I had a CD for every time I spent 50FF in this store I'd have a 1000-strong collection... oh, I have.

Boulinier on the Boulevard Saint Michel is a dangerous place. Perfectly good CDs by the bucketful at perfectly reasonable prices is a terrible temptation for any music-loving soul, not to mention thousands of books and goodness knows what else.

Then again, I haven't bought any CDs for years now that you can spend €5 a month and have access to millions of songs with Deezer or Spotify. It's amazing what you can find, although not all the rarities or obscurities in existence, but it's not bad at all. And you get all the new stuff too of course, or most of it.

But there's something magic about flicking through racks and racks of CDs - or even LPs back in the day - in the hope of discovering the rare gem, and that's something we are poorer for, those of us who have given up on physical supports for this beautiful thing called music. There was something magic about a gatefold album and even a fat little CD booklet could be a thing of beauty. This is something of a loss which can't be replaced by a picture on a computer screen or holding a nasty little MP3 player in our hand.

Ahh, I'm getting nostalgic now, the pleasure, the art of flipping over an album and lovingly moving the diamond tip over to the start of the groove... one day I'll get my old record player going again and break out all my old thirty three and a thirds - does anyone remember those anymore?

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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