Saturday, 15 September 2012

Where Pooches Fear To Tread

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Where Pooches Fear To Tread ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

... pigeons rush in, or rather undulate out in this case.

Dogs are everywhere in France, including a big snoozy one at my feet as I type, but they're not welcome everywhere, like in children's playgrounds and certain parks, where if they are allowed in they are supposed to be on a lead.

The above shot, by the way, may well be one of the last before I get my hands on a new recording device - the end of an era is nigh folks!

Even this one wasn't taken on my trusty (until recently) iPhone 3GS. I had to borrow an iPhone 4, send it to myself, process it in Paint Shop Pro to get something which can just about qualify for publication on the Paris and I photo blog.

So that's it; my first iPhone is officially declared dead after several years of reasonably sterling service. Annoying how it literally just 'dies', mind you, taking with it all the photos you hadn't processed or just down/up-loaded somewhere. Oh well, this is life, and all the best ones are on this blog anyway, so there Apple!

And as for the Paris poop situation, in case you were wondering, it really is much better now, thank you.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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