Sunday, 30 September 2012

Lock Up Your Daughters

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Lock Up Your Daughters ~

Lock Up Your Daughters by Paris Set Me Free

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

An incredible sight, I know, and one that's rather rare in Paris these days; a bridge with only a couple of modest little locks on it and not a battery worthy of Fort Knox...

This is how it begins, of course. The Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir hasn't yet reached mythical status in the eyes of the lovelorn, or indeed the lovelocked, and its less-than-central Paris position has so far saved it from the bane of the accursed, I mean the joy of the romantic souls of the world all round, but for how long?

Considering the perfect configuration for lock-fixing of this bridge, along with the saturated state of the other Paris lock bridges, this might just be the solution, especially for those with a literary bent, it conveniently linking the interesting Parc de Bercy with the architectural wasteland that is the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

In addition, the pedestrian-only passerelle isn't aesthetically displeasing; there's even a certain sultriness to its undulations, or have I just had one too many rose-coloured elixir..?

Given the choice, and the inclination, I wouldn't balk at the idea of eschewing the traditional lock-bearers of the Pont des Arts and Pont de l'Archevêché in favour of this seductive new Simone-come-lately, despite its rather barren surroundings. Quoting Oscar Wilde or even the Lizard King into the bargain, why not - they're just around the corner in our dear Père Lachaise...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Embarrassed Of Paris

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Embarrassed Of Paris ~

Embarrassed Of Paris by Paris Set Me Free
Embarrassed Of Paris, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Someone I don't know, but whose right to her own opinion I utterly respect, recently accused this blog of being 'bawdy'. That is to say, too bawdy for her, I presume.

Now, I can only conclude that she doesn't know my blog very well, doesn't know the definition of 'bawdy', or simply doesn't know Paris!

The fact that the first post she probably stumbled upon happened to be this one of a newsagents display with a couple of porn mags' front covers well in view undoubtedly didn't help... As didn't the title I borrowed from one of them, American Erection Special, which I assumed was just some poor Japanese phonetic translation...

However, I have to take issue with this 'bawdy' claim. The first definitions I came across confirmed my suspicions: her understanding of the word is shaky to say the least. Humorously coarse and risqué was they first. Humour I'd love to aspire to when appropriate. Coarseness isn't my thing. Risqué is actually rather good because it's got an e-acute in it so that must be sophisticated, right?

Vulgar, lewd, indecent and even obscene were other popular near synonyms. Hmm. The problem is, I only ever reflect what I see in full view to everyone in the streets of this city of contrasts myself. For me, as regular readers know well, a homeless person, with their face respectfully hidden, is just as valid as another banal picture of the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame.

If you can walk down a busy high street and have porn mags in full view of the kids and other potentially objectionable items which I discussed in the aforementioned post, then I'll tell you about it. I almost consider it my duty to do so, and assume that's one of the reasons quite a few of you read me in the first place.

What our mistaken friend probably didn't get around to realising is that I'll discuss with just as much gusto the story of an intriguing headless statue or a strange revolutionary or irreligious inscription or doomed mediaeval lovers or an unusually painted fountain or any number of other Paris quirks and curiosities I think you would be interested in knowing about. This is unfortunate.

As is today's Paris picture, which probably won't do my cause much good if she ever returns to the obscene Paris and I photo blog... An extremely common occurrence of course - that of the notorious 'Massage pour Hommes', and if you were thinking what I think you were probably thinking, then you're probably right... I've considerately left the phone number in so you can do your own research if you wish. Think nothing of it. (Oops, was that 'humorously course'?) But honestly they are everywhere, on any given drainpipe, on any chosen corner, and as with the naughty mags and the wine in every household at every meal, the less of a guilt complex something is given the less of a problem it seems to be. Décomplexé the French call it, and I'm not sure it isn't a rather good way of looking at things.

And so I shall continue to offer you the best and from time to time the worse this wanton place has to propose, as it calls me, and feel all the better for having said so. Coming up in my next post: a humorously coarse and definitely risqué, lewd and indecently vulgar exposé of... a lover's lock on a bridge. Sorry folks, but don't worry, I have a new shot of Paris' obscène extending Pont du Carrousel lamp posts coming up right behind...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Friday, 28 September 2012


Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Floored ~

Floored by Paris Set Me Free
Floored, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

I admit I'm on a bit of a gallery 'window-licking' fest at the moment, having had a fairly fruitful wander around the Saint Germain des Prés / Rue de Seine / Rue Mazarine area the other day.

It's true that you can spend a perfectly pleasant afternoon checking out the displays in this area, give or take the odd - sometimes very odd - image to shake your sensibilities if your the easily shakable type.

This gallery offers us, well, this. Honestly, words escape me, and that's not because I find the 'piece' disgusting or bizarre, as I didn't bother entering to find out more. I mean, it's not as though I'm going to buy a weird dwarf-like mannequin lying in the middle of an empty floor space. Nope.

But being blissfully ignorant as to the artist's intentions I can only imagine them for myself, which is sometimes as much fun as contemplating the work itself.

The dummy's head is perturbingly adult-like, on a child-sized doll's body. Lying on the floor. Alienation? Solitude? Slipped up on life's strange journey? Fallen over? Forgotten? Dropped? Parachute didn't open? Pissed? Who knows. Inspired solutions welcome!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Split Personality

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Split Personality ~

Split Personality by Paris Set Me Free
Split Personality, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

It took me a long time to realise that this sculpture is actually made up of heads chopped in half vertically and intermingled and very effective it is too. I wonder if it hurt the sculptor to slice his handywork in two.

I know if I'm doing a painting which requires me to paint over something I've worked hard on it's kind of painful, but that's what turns something from banal to extraordinary or at least original I guess.

I like the idea that we are made up of more than one personality or that we have different sides to us, which this piece sums up for me perfectly.

In my case it's the artistic side which vies with the more intellectual, occasionally complementing each other but not always, which goes to make up whatever I am.

For Paris it's this divergence between the beauty and grandour we all know and the seedier side which we get glimpses of from time to time which goes to make up the character of this great city of contrasts and contradictions.

Back to the sculpture, which I keep discovering new things in, I see that one of the personages seems to be of African descent, whilst the other appears to be resolutely European, at least in the Greek or Roman tradition. An interlacing of cultures which reflects Paris perfectly.

P.S. A meagre bit of investigation reveals that this piece is by a deceased sculptor called Arman who also created the splendid clocks and luggage pieces in front of the Gare Saint-Lazare. I also learned that his pieces are mash-ups of existing relics and so he probably wasn't chopping his own work in to bits after all. La Vénus des Arts is what it's called, incorporating a bit of a musical instrument to give the thing some curves and a bit of a picture frame - a fascinating mish-mash to be sure.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

You Looking At Me Punk?

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ You Looking At Me Punk? ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

No, this isn't a reflection of me in the window, although I do look surprisingly similar to our becameraed gent in the picture...

Here we are in the wild and wacky world of Saint Germain des Prés with its galleries and sculptures and street art for all to enjoy.

I can't help wondering what the lady is thinking as she contemplates this fine human specimen. But that's probably exactly what the artist wants - reflection.

The galeriste's having none of it and has an important call to make... or take. Maybe a buyer.

I've been thinking about collectors of modern art recently, after my Bastille art market adventure. And the question that comes to mind most often when seeing pieces such as this, fascinating as it is, is... who would buy it. And what would they do with it once they had. Put it in their bedroom? I don't think so. The bathroom? Too small. The living room? Really? Would you want to see that every time you looked up? Maybe it's gallery-bound, in both senses of the word.

Are my photos street-bound? Maybe this guy could tell us...

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Stronger Than The Illusion, The Passion

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Stronger Than The Illusion, The Passion ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Got a feeling I've already posted one of these - I say one because there are several scattered around the city with the same pithy observation: stronger than passion - the illusion.

And as I type those words, yes, stronger than certainty - the reality that I've 'done' this post before. Not something I like to do - repeat myself - but when it comes to Miss.Tic it's not that unpleasant an occurrence.

This one is in the Saint Germain des Prés area, on Rue de Seine if I remember correctly. My own street art adventures have ground to a halt, unfortunately, mainly because I'm not based in the city any more but in the 'far suburbs', as they say.

Still, I have a commitment to a Paris photo a day, and I'm still way behind as I type and so I post. And will probably head into the city again this afternoon to take both iPhone and Nikon pics to keep up with my demanding blog requirements.

Any of you as obsessed as I am? I'd love to know. Some of you photo-a-day people probably are and can understand where I'm coming from I guess.

Street photography - in the end, stronger than the illusion, is the passion, and that's as it should be.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Imagining You, Imagining Me

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Imagining You, Imagining Me ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

If it isn't booze or cigarettes it's coffee or tea or McDonalds or Coca Cola, or something even more evil; when you think about it, our entire society is staggering forward through a drug-enduced stupor...

Anyway... here's a lovely old licit substances drug emporium down one of Paris' most charming side passages, the almost too perfect Cours du Commerce Saint-André just off Odéon.

I slipped into the oft-off-limits Cours de Rohan too yesterday, but that's another story.

The whole area is full of interesting street corners, graffiti, art and architecture, and a photographer's paradise to roam around. As I did and do on a regular basis.

The mosaïc shopfront decorator; now there's a dying profession. Today it's all neon illuminated nothingness - a sad loss but with photographic opportunities of its own if truth be told. You just have to know where, and how to look.

I'd love to be able to go back one or two or five hundred years to these same street corners to see what life in the streets was like then. Will someone one or two or five hundred years hence be saying the same thing about our days?

Did anyone wonder about us, hundreds of years in the future, wondering about them (wondering about us) so long long ago? We'll never know, but if anyone reads these words hundreds of years in the future, they will.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Boissonerie Poissonerie

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Boissonerie Poissonerie ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Can you see what they've done here, the sneaks?! What used to be an honest-to-goodness fish shop has been slyly transformed into a boutique of distilled debauchery.

I'm surprised they were even allowed to do such a thing, as this facade is surely (or surely should be) on some list of protected fab store fronts somewhere.

And what have they done, some of you will be wondering? They've turned 'Poissonnerie' (fishmonger) into 'Boissonnerie' (umm, beermugger?) by adding a few carefully placed tiles to the 'P'. Clever. Naughty, but clever. I wonder what the drinks taste like - glass of kipper liquour, anyone?

Paris has a lot of ornate traditional storefronts, for butchers, bakers, public baths and even the odd horsemeat trader, although I'm yet to see a candlestick maker, but I live in hope. And as the traditional trade fade away they are being taken over by hotels and clothing boutiques but if we're lucky they keep the exterior, leading to a curious and not unpleasant mixture of old and new.

Which pretty much sums up Paris really. Old and new. Check out the Louvre or the Palais Royal or the Pompidou Centre for ample evidence of this... I rest my case.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

For The Record

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ For The Record ~

For The Record by Paris Set Me Free
For The Record, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

If I had a CD for every time I spent 50FF in this store I'd have a 1000-strong collection... oh, I have.

Boulinier on the Boulevard Saint Michel is a dangerous place. Perfectly good CDs by the bucketful at perfectly reasonable prices is a terrible temptation for any music-loving soul, not to mention thousands of books and goodness knows what else.

Then again, I haven't bought any CDs for years now that you can spend €5 a month and have access to millions of songs with Deezer or Spotify. It's amazing what you can find, although not all the rarities or obscurities in existence, but it's not bad at all. And you get all the new stuff too of course, or most of it.

But there's something magic about flicking through racks and racks of CDs - or even LPs back in the day - in the hope of discovering the rare gem, and that's something we are poorer for, those of us who have given up on physical supports for this beautiful thing called music. There was something magic about a gatefold album and even a fat little CD booklet could be a thing of beauty. This is something of a loss which can't be replaced by a picture on a computer screen or holding a nasty little MP3 player in our hand.

Ahh, I'm getting nostalgic now, the pleasure, the art of flipping over an album and lovingly moving the diamond tip over to the start of the groove... one day I'll get my old record player going again and break out all my old thirty three and a thirds - does anyone remember those anymore?

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Towering Achievement

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Towering Achievement ~

Towering Achievement by Paris Set Me Free
Towering Achievement, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Nice decor in this restaurant, you might be thinking. Almost like some sort of mediaeval tower or something they've got going on there. And that's because... they've got a mediaeval tower going on in there.

We're looking at one of the original defensive towers which were distributed along the length of the Philippe Auguste wall which protectively surrounded Paris a few centuries ago whilst the King was crusading around the Middle East.

This is one of several remnants you can find scattered throughout the city and you can actually more or less follow the route and discover the original size of Paris 900 odd years in the past or so. A little town which quickly and continually broke through its own boundaries, requiring successive walls to be built, culminating in a huge construction around what is now the péripherique, the scary Paris ringroad.

The inclining chap in the picture isn't practising his obsequious bow but is actually peering through a transparent trapdoor in the floor trying to work out what the hell I'm so interested in photographing. And although you can't see it here, the tower actually continues down into the basement.

The once-attached wall has heavily influenced the lay of the surrounding land and propety 'parcels', causing some nearby boutiques to have excedingly odd sharply angled walls not at all in keeping with the passing road outside. A nearby underground carpark also gives splendid views of the old foundations of the wall. What would Philippe Auguste have thought?

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Crazy Reflections

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Crazy Reflections ~

Crazy Reflections by Paris Set Me Free
Crazy Reflections, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

This prix fous (crazy prices) banner expired two weeks ago but there it is still. A sign of the desperate measures stores are having to go to these days to make threads meet.

It's surprising these days how often you find boutiques going out of business, having fermeture définitive (closing down) sales and moving on to be replaced by another short-lived enterprise.

There's even a fairly brisk trade in ephemeral residencies in once established business premises. Things like one-off stock clearances and new housing estate offices spring up and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Here we're on the Boulevard Saint Michel, which is stuffed with cheap clothing boutiques highly susceptible to the vicissitudes of the market. Nice jackets though. Are we talking 'plum' here? Difficult to tell after this overexposed night shot has done its thing.

The sales usually start after Christmas but I reckon the authorities are turning a blind eye these days to stores which are struggling simple to avoid going under. Maybe the festive season will see people emptying their pockets in an attempt to forget the hard times we're living. Or not. In which case maybe this banner will still be there in January... 2014!

P.S. I'm in the pic - how cool isn't that?!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Fairy Lights & Metro Nights

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Fairy Lights & Metro Nights ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

OK, now that I'm two months behind because of my sick iPhone problem, we're going to have shots of Christmas lights in September if I respect the one-photo-a-day rule and get things (back) up to date.

Then again, rather cynically, that's not so far from the truth. Here we are in November and one of Paris' most famous bookstores, Gibert Jeune, is in full festive swing. I made a mistake - Diane Kruger is switching the Christmas light on on the Champs Elysées tonight, err, that would be the 21st November, 2012, if my sources are to be relied upon. One month before the day, give or take, so acceptable, I guess.

I wonder if they'll have the loopy hoopy things they had last year or go for another power-saving design. They have this dilemma, of making the 'most beautiful avenue in the world' just that whilst setting an energy respecting example for the rest of the nation. Oh well.

The metro sign seems to be echoing and certainly complementing Gibert Jeune's corporate yellow, and I can never remember if it's 'Jeune' (young) or 'Jaune' (yellow), but if that's the only thing I have to worry about I guess I'm doing pretty well.

You'll be noticing some fairly heavy processing here (that's me) but without the characteristic iPhone apps look you'll be used to and love so much, evidently. It's kind of refreshing getting away from Apple apps for a while, but this week might be the one I get my proper new phone and then it's back to fun and frolicks from the Apple iStore for all the family. I'm rambling. See you next shot.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Pains, Trains & Automobiles

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Pains, Trains & Automobiles ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Heading into town with a loaded iPhone - not mine, as you'll have gathered if you read my last post, but an iPhone nonetheless - feels pretty good, I have to say.

My RER - that's the big fast suburban Paris train to you folks - is on one of the safer lines, thank goodness. It's the C line, but the D is the one to avoid if you can. And the B can Be a Bugger if you're an unwitting tourist, and I speak from bitter experience...

Anyway. Here I am having done my back in where even blowing my nose is to be done with great delicacy, and all because I bent over to fix my three year-old's plastic multi-story birthday garage - jeez. You'd think I could have trapped a nerve doing something a bit more glamorous like windsurfing or something, wouldn't you? But no. So there you go.

My trip took place at night, so you'll have to suffer a whole bunch of murky Paris mush for a while until I get some more diurnal diatribes to direct your way.

We're looking at one of the fancy new RERs - that's the... oh, I just told you - which has already been delightfully decorated by some of our sly suburban chums. Is it an improvement? Well, it depends on the angle you're looking at it from I guess. And which side of the tracks you're on. I'm not going to have a tantrum about it; I've only got one back to do in. Later.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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