Saturday, 9 July 2011

Weather You Like It Or Not

It escapes me as to the whys and wherefores but for some reason a lot of people seem to think that macaronness is next to Godliness.

I know! Go figure. A mouthful of mushy sickly-sweet goo, and they're floating on cloud nine, these macaroon-munching madames. I count friends amongst them, but they know me; always ranting on about something or other (and more often than not about macarons) so they'll humour me.

A blustery day, it was it was, as I took this umbrella-laden picture in front of every macaroonaholic's Mecca: a place called Ladurée just off the place de la Madeleine, on rue Royale. There are probably others scattered around the place, but this is the one I was passing in a flurry of falling raindrops in a July most sunlovers are moaning about here in Paris but I'm quite enjoying.

Being Edinburgh-born, I'm not too fond of the hot weather so many here seem to crave, so a few mid-summer weeks of coolness and relatively sweat-free travel suits me just fine. And I've got a feeling August has something rather hot in store for us. This'll do for now.

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