Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Something Sleepy This Way Comes'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Something Sleepy This Way Comes ~

Now you don't need me to tell you that Paris is riddled with tunnels and passages and secret underground mysteries... but I wasn't expecting this one!

Captured on infrared film and converted as best I could to something viewable, this is an extremely rare sighting of the mythical Paris 'Mighty Mole', talpa Lutecia gigantis, spotted in the penumbra of a sleepy museum courtyard just off the popular Place des Vosges in the Marais two days ago.

I must admit that far from being fierce and agressive as his legendary reputation would suggest, he seemed more disoriented than anything else. A definite 'just got out of bed - wot-time-iz-it?' look if you ask me.

I ventured to ask him if he needed any assistance, and, spotting my English accent, he immediately wondered if it might be near elevensies, or even three-o'clocksies would do, as he was dying for a cuppa.

After a good old chinwag about the ins and outs of the underbelly of the city he went on his way, feeling much better I'm glad to say. I did ask him if he would mind me taking his photo (I'd already done so, but manners is manners), and he seemed quite flattered, so here he is.

Keep your head down, Moley, but feel free to pop up for a brew anytime you're in the vicinity - the kettle's always on when I'm around :-D

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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