Sunday, 28 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Wherefore Art Thou Métro?'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Wherefore Art Thou Métro ~

i wonder if Hector Guimard had the slightest inkling of just how famous his work would become when he made the first drafts for his now iconic Paris Métro entrances and started installing them around the city a little over 100 years ago.

No-one today is in any doubt that they are in the French capital when they see a photo like the one above, unless of course it's a tricky copy or rare gift such as in Lisbon or Montreal or even Chicago, who all boast some sort of Guimard edifice of their own.

The illustrious innovator of the 'art nouveau' movement actually fell into disfavour and died forgotten in US exile in New York in 1942 because of fears for his his Jewish wife's safety.

It was only in the 60s and 70s that his legacy was 'rediscovered' and there are still, thankfully, many 'Guimards', both Métro oriented and otherwise, dotted around the city for us to admire, and indeed photograph, today. Bon voyage.


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Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.


Rob said...

I was intrigued by all the differing Metro Stops on our visit to Paris. All too often in this day and age, our city's infrastructure is orderly, functional, stark and mundanely cost efficient without thought to form.

Thanks for this piece of history. I'll bet this is Abbesees Metro Stop. You've inspired me for my Weekend Getaway pick next Saturday and uploaded my version via flickr. However, I enjoy your processing over mine, a rather arty feeling.

Sab said...

Hi there Rob - yep, you guessed right - it's Abbesses and I'm glad I inspired you a bit :-)

I love the Metro entrances - I must do some sort of series on them, maybe on one of my Paris street art things...

Denise Covey said...

I love the Metro stations, especially the bling one at Palais Royale.

I just posted some of my Paris Christmas shots. Drop by if you want.:)

Sab said...

The one at Palais Royal is AWESOME, isn't it? But quite hard to photograph well... looking up at it the light is generally a nightmare.

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