iPhone Photo Chronicles ~ Ne pleure pas - I love you ~ |
i was touched by my Paris tour client (not literally, much more deeply) when i took this photo, as for the rest of the morning he kept trying to remember the translation for the little words someone had written next to the boy on the left in this picture.
The inscription, not by the original stencillor, and barely visible in this picture, says 'Ne pleure pas, je t'aime', with the 'aime' being represented by a little red heart.
What was most touching about this was not that someone had been inspired to react to the emotion represented by the artwork on the wall as though it were a real person experiencing real feelings; rather that a big butch guy from Queensland was determined to remember what the words meant.
And the chain doesn't stop there of course, as you might have realised. i took this picture and am now relating this story to you. You, if i'm not mistaken, are in the process of reading these words, and may be garnering a certain warmth from this little tale.
Eventually, the gentleman from Australia himself might realise more than on the day that i was touched by his reaction to this wall-based emission of anonymous emotion.
And maybe even wall scrawlers and stencillors might use the internet and be amused to see that someone has taken the time to react to the reactions of others to others reactions... and you?
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Your photos are AMAZING! Are they as is or do you adjust the saturation in photoshop? This coming from a former graphic designer...
Sorry to flip you out with my needle story! LOL
Hi Princess Samantha! Thanks for stopping by. You know what? I'd rather just say that my photos as you see them on your screen are the end result of a process that began with me picking up my camera and heading out onto the streets of Paris, and ends with me pressing the 'publish' button on the good old blogging site. I'll just tell you one thing to annoy you: I don't use Photoshop. I think the software I use most is one called Sabshop, or something like that ;-)
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