Sunday, 14 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'This Way Up'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ This Way Up ~

This Way Up, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

A remarkable photo, don't you think? You thought, didn't you?! I thunk so.

But do we agree on the reasons for its remarkability? Maybe we do, maybe we don't, or maybe there is more than one.

In any case, this particular gentleman is much more in control of his senses than we are used to seeing him, the pour soul. Are you any warmer? Do you know who he is yet?

It is, in fact, dear old Saint Denis, and this is one of the few times in Paris I've seen him fully compos mentis; well, as much as anyone can be who really does think that this way is up...

He is more commonly shown with his head, quite literally, in his hands, as in not actually attached to his body by his neck. The oft-recounted story is that he was beheaded by the preacher-weary Romans, but so strong was his faith that he simply picked up the unfortunate appendage and carried on with his liturgy. Well worthy of a heads up in my book.
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(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I do like this photo and the great explanation of St Denis. So where does this statue reside, this rare depiction of St. Denis with his tête in place?

Have a great and creative week, Sab.


Sab said...

Hah! I was going to say, let's see if anyone knows... but on retrospect, why should they? There's intriguing and downright pointlessly obscure, so..

I found him in a relatively modest church on the boulevard Montparnasse, in Notre Dame des Champs. Honestly, as a non-religious person I can appreciate churches greatly, and on many levels even including spiritual ones, but I have to say this one didn't do much for me. There is, however, an interesting series of murals high up depicting the life of Mary, and an explanatory leaflet which was quite interesting.

And then this statue with a large, rather unspiritual piece of A4 paper informing us who it was, in big red letters, obviously produced in Word or something, and rather detracting from the atmosphere, but at least we knew.

Creative-wise... I'll do my best, Genie, I'll do my best!

Eric Tenin said...

Interesting. Like you say great minds think alike (well or rather great minds tend to stick to covered places like churches when it's cold outside LOL!)

Sab said...

Too right Eric, too right :-)

A notre prochain coïncidence !

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