Friday, 5 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Gone With The Autumn Leaves'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Gone With The Autumn Leaves ~

It had to happen: the first theft of one of my Paris street paintings has occurred. Not a theft from me, you understand, but a theft from my adopted motherlode; a theft from my redefined patria; a theft from the very people of Paris itself.

Not that you'll be hearing about this mural cleansing on the national, or even local news. But as i walked past this previously bland corner, i realised that someone had decided that it should in fact return to its erstwhile state of unutterably characterless peeling beige paint. And they'd added a new coat of, you guessed it, beige paint where once had gloried my 'Shape Shifter 1' just to hammer the point home. The Great Beige Visionary strikes again. But i'm not sad.

"Crackin' Up", now available in BEIGE, by Paris Set Me Free.

Sorrow or bitterness are not the appropriate emotions here. A sort of muted elation would be closer. i somehow feel i've been officially accepted into the small group of Paris street artists who merit having their work degraded, defaced, or quite simply destroyed by the invisible powers that be, as suddenly as it appeared.

Of course, i don't know if it was officially removed by someone who considered it an eyesore or stolen by a wretchedly small-minded admirer who wanted it for their own miserable little bedroom wall. And i doubt i ever will. i guess that's just part of the fun. But i'd be lying if i said i wasn't hoping for a more constructive reaction next time.

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)


The Armchair Parisian said...

What an interesting shot. I love a quirky eye.

Prissy said...

It seems two things are in order here: I'm sorry--for your loss; and congratulations for being "officially accepted into the small group of Paris street artists who merit having their work degraded, defaced, or quite simply destroyed by the invisible powers that be." You have arrived my friend. But then again, you've always been there--right at the top!

Sab said...

That's very sweet Pris - I really appreciate that comment!

And to the Armchair Parisian - I'm so glad you are starting to stop by. Or is that stopping to start by. I'll be over to yours next time you have something, that's for sure :-)

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