Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Fight For Light'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Fight For Light ~

The Final Fight?, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Here's what was facing me as I sat myself down on the metro the other day, and I couldn't help saying myself: you know, I'm damned if I know what 'Halal', never mind 'proudly and strictly Halal' actually means.

One internet search later (yes, yes, I know..), and this is what I found, extremely crudely put, obviously:

It is a Muslim (religious, faith-based) way of eating meat which follows rules laid out in the book 'The Koran'. The animals must be killed in a specific way, with a very sharp, clean knife, and they should be in good health beforehand. They should be killed by a Muslim. Both the animal and the slaughterer should be facing Mecca, which is a town in Saudi Arabia. If for practical reasons it is not possible to do all or any of the above for each individual animal, as in the case of a factory where many thousands of chickens are slaughtered per hour, for example, the factory should at least have been blessed by a Muslim priest. No animals for consumption in the 'Halal' way should be killed near pigs, which cannot be eaten because of the scavenging nature of the animal and because it closely resembles human meat. There seems to be concern that the animal should not be diseased, dying or indeed dead before the ritual of the throat cutting is done. There does seem to be a big debate though about pre-stunning of an animal before killing to reduce its suffering, as it is supposed to be fully conscious before being killed under Halal rules. The sharp-knifed swift throat-slitting is meant to reduce the animal suffering anyway, according to the Muslims. The advert and the meat company itself appears to have caused a lot of discussion, and it seems like there is a massive 'Halal' market to be exploited by savvy businesses who know how to play their cards right. One interesting ad I discovered was for this same brand designed for the Ramadan period, when Muslims are not supposed to eat during the day. It was a massive back-lit street thing which had an empty table with a white tablecloth during daylight hours. Then at night the lights on the ad would come on to show a table laden with products from the company.

Anyway, that's as far as I got with my reading, and obviously it was internet stuff, so who knows what's true or not. Feel free to correct any mistakes there may well be there.

In any case, it's a fascinating topic, and because we are finding this sort of faith-justified thing on the streets and in our newspapers, easily absorbed by our kids who are far more easily influenced than adults, I think it's important to be aware of it, and to at least decide what we think about it.


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Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Look Behind The Facade'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Look Behind The Facade ~

Look Behind The Facade, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

If you're ever with any Parisian or tourist or you know a concière or you can just grab a closing door before it finally snaps shut, it's worth sneaking a look inside some of these bland-looking entrance halls you catch glimpses of as you walk through the streets of the city.

In this case, one of my photo tour clients, a lovely lady from Rhode Island, USA (hi Jane!) met me on a fresh October morning just outside her place on the rue Caulaincourt.

As we were chatting it came out that she wasn't staying in a hotel, but a private appartment, and that the courtyard was really quite interesting, and so it was!

This gorgeous Belle Epoque panel was in the entrance hall to quite a little complex of courtyards and hidden appartments you'd never suspect existed, all just next door to beautiful Montmartre itself. I think I've found the ideal location for my Paris pied-de-terre!

The panel was one of two, or possibly four, here showing a very summery scene, with the opposite one having an umbrellaed lady trudging through snow. I'm wondering if spring and autumn aren't too far somewhere.

There wasn't anyone around except Jane from Rhode Island who I'm afraid new about as much as I did, but investigation would suggest turn of the century 1900s, when the Art Nouveau movement was in full swing and dresses and accompanyiing patterns were getting all flowing and vegetal, although is it my imagination, or is there just a tiny hint of the Roaring Twenties to come (look: ankles!)..?


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Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Wherefore Art Thou Métro?'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Wherefore Art Thou Métro ~

i wonder if Hector Guimard had the slightest inkling of just how famous his work would become when he made the first drafts for his now iconic Paris Métro entrances and started installing them around the city a little over 100 years ago.

No-one today is in any doubt that they are in the French capital when they see a photo like the one above, unless of course it's a tricky copy or rare gift such as in Lisbon or Montreal or even Chicago, who all boast some sort of Guimard edifice of their own.

The illustrious innovator of the 'art nouveau' movement actually fell into disfavour and died forgotten in US exile in New York in 1942 because of fears for his his Jewish wife's safety.

It was only in the 60s and 70s that his legacy was 'rediscovered' and there are still, thankfully, many 'Guimards', both Métro oriented and otherwise, dotted around the city for us to admire, and indeed photograph, today. Bon voyage.


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Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'One Day I'll Fly Away'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ One Day I'll Fly Away ~

One Day I'll Fly Away, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

A beautiful blue-winged butterfly shimmers silently over the upturned heads of the watching, waiting bug-eyed hoards, aligned in battle formations, ready to carry out whatever dastardly decree may drip from their insect-queen's testy tongue.

This little scene is being acted out in the window of a marvellous glass animals shop on the picturesque but tourist-infested rue Saint-André des Arts in the 6th called, I believe, Miracle. What a Miracle it would be, indeed, if all those traipsing tourists suddenly found themselves under attack from tiny yet terrifying shiny beasties intent on ripping the very lenses from their cameras' eyes...

The smallest of these little creatures, and arguably the cutest, only cost about €3 each, which is both a blessing and a curse. You'll see what I mean if you happen to buy a couple for your timorous 10-year-old daughter. Who immediately develops an overriding and life-long passion nay craving for collecting cute little glass animals (of the eminently affordable €3 variety, you understand), through her principle supplier, who happens to be someone called 'Dad' who lives in Paris and therefore has direct access to said creatures and anyway they only cost three euros, so don't be so mean, yes but 30 of them a week don't cost three euros... well you get the idea.

And for myself? A gloriously fat and snub-nosed pic sits proudly on the dresser, down one curly tail thanks to the move, opposite a rather squat but equally charming frog, who would have been holding the sweetest little daisy, were it not for the move...


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© 2010
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Don't Worry, Be Smiley'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Don't Worry, Be Smiley ~

Don't Worry, Be Smiley, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

One of the crossroads near where I live just outside Paris had a big plastic banner drapped around the safely railings the other day, saying: Road deaths in the district for 2009: 35; road deaths of two-wheeled vehicle riders: 18; Road deaths in the district so far for 2010: 28; road deaths of two-wheeled vehicle riders: 15.

Not much to smile about for motorcylsts in the Paris region then by the looks of things; over 50% of road deaths are motorbike and cycle riders.

Hence, perhaps, this guy's (or gal's) happy helmet. Laughing in the face of overwhelming odds? A devil-may-care attitude? A bumper-sized Christmas pack of smiley faces their kid didn't know what to do with and so decorated daddy's motorcycle helmet?

Who knows, but let's hope that in places like here, up in Montmartre, the traffic moves at a more leisurely pace, and that those horrendous statistics are less than in the outerlying area I mentioned above. Have a smiley, and positively death-free day.


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© 2010
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Scratching a Living'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Scratching A Living ~

Scratching a Living, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

We spend so much of our lives windowgazing into other worlds, i sometimes wonder which one is mine and which is fiction.

You're looking at your screen; so is she, I'm somewhere in between. My train'll pull out, or is it the station that leaves, and I'm just standing still, here at the centre of my life, making the world spin below me as I walk?

Someone once stood, where i am now, scratching a life into the protective coating of the carriage window, messing up my view with some scrappy reminder of theirs. I wonder if it's clearer now.


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© 2010
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Let Sleeping Frogs Lie'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Let Sleeping Frogs Lie ~

Let Sleeping Frogs Lie, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Exactly 150 years ago, someone decided that this was to be the timeless memorial to their life and works. And feet. But, in retrospect, this truly has to be one of the strangest monuments in Paris.

i have to admit i went through a battery of possible adjectives such as weird, bizarre, disturbing, unsettling, morbid, dubious and perturbing before I finally settled on 'strange' but the others have many merits.

One of the problems i have with this sepulture's sculpture is that these big chubby toes are right at eye-level, right in your face, and i don't think i'd want someone staring straight at my fat feet whilst trying to have some quality reflective time alone with the memory of me. Unless, of course, he was some sort of foot-fetishist and that's exactly what he wanted to be remembered for.

Another thing which is a bit worrying too is that if you follow the upright panel with the date on heavenwards, you get to another little hole, out of which is peering... a head.

Maybe it's just me, but it does rather conjure up a sort of kinky cut-away coffin designed to titillate some fetid necrophiliac's fancy. Either that or some crazy-eyed magician is about to jump out from behind the tomb waving a saw and chop the whole thing in half but we'll still see the head nodding and the toes wiggling merrily.

Be that as it may, it's a photographer's dream, and what's more it's just about five seconds from where i first saw my own creepy Paris tomb which threw me for a bit, but now I'm quite pleased to have my personal official resting place in the city of my muse.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and let sleeping frogs lie, even if they are standing up. RIP.


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Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'My Little Dreams'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ My Little Dreams ~

Broken Dreams, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

In the foothills of Mount Martre a scatterland lies, of sketchy boutiques and compromising corners where you can find the best of the worst, and as for the best, well, it's not much better.

But occasionally a moment of magic will tug at the corner of your eye, dragging your gaze from the tourist trash or the cotton sharks' shortcomings and say to you: this is my place, my nest, my little nook, and you can peek inside if you like, just to have a look.


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© 2010
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Let's Play Charades'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Let's Play Charades ~

Let's Play Charades, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Let's Play Charades

We're waiting
Watching you walk by
Talking of tarts
And toilet cleaner
On our minds
Is something leaner
Something that will
Last a good while
Longer than your
Sunday dinner
Stylish lady
Woeful sinner
Let us get our
Claws on you
Scrape around
Inside your innards
Strip you down
A good deal thinner

Make that smile
A little meaner
Make that grin
A little bigger
Our kind thrives
On misdemeaner
Patience is our
Stock in trade
We'll barter parts
To pass the time
And play charades
And wager lives
And snigger
As we watch you
Walking by


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© 2010
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Missing: One Jolly Green (Trousered) Giant'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Missing: One Jolly Green (Trousered) Giant ~

If you're thinking this wall looks familiar, you wouldn't be wrong: it used to have an enormous giant, the Géant d'Issoire, in fact, who used to inhabit this corner looking for suitably tasty mortal morsels (try saying that with your mouth full).

Alas, his edgy throne was butt a temporary (and uncomfortable) one. The Paris City Council couldn't risk copy-cat giants popping up all over Paris, now could they, and he has now been replaced, presumably temporarily also, by this.

'Err, by what?' you may be asking yourselves, as I did when I first saw it. Well, I had been told that my favourite green monster had been replaced by 'something ugly', and indeed, in broad daylight, before the wonders of modern Sabbary have been applied, they are totally right.

But in fact it's a good old.. did you guess? Worthy cause! :-D Yeay!

What we have gracing this school's corner wall is a 'giant' picture of destroyed Haiitian schools after the earthquake disaster, with a UNICEF plaque telling us that thousands of children are still waiting to go back to school over there. So it's a good thing in the end.

© 2010
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Fank You Very Much'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Fank You Very Much ~

Fank You Very Much, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Ahhh, Paris. Don't you just love it?

The wide, tree-lined boulevards; the cute little sidewalk cafés; the hint of an accordian as you munch on your piping hot baguette walking past the colourful posters for... what the..?

Ah yes, lest we forget, the totally naff, inappropriate and sometimes highly vulgar use of English words to try to make themselves sound cool.

I always remember laughing when I came from a boring English town where the local crappy little clothes shop tried to make itself sound chic by calling itself 'Mademoiselle', only to find that the exact equivalent crappy little boutique over here in Paris called itself 'Miss'.

So join with me, if you will, friends and family alike, in a rousing chorus of Lily Allen's latest hit, played at all hours, unsensored, of course, all over the French radio because they haven't got a clue what she's singing about: 'Fuck You!' everyone. 'Fuck you very very much.' Charming.

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(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)

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