Saturday, 21 July 2012

A Place To Stay

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ A Place To Stay ~

A Place To Stay, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

In what must be one of the most desirable squares in the city lies what looks like a crumby little hotel but which I'm sure isn't but you still can't help thinking it seems a little out of place with its hand-painted sign and rusting hotelier plaque.

I've often both wanted to stay there and recommend it to others but I've done neither so it remains a mystery to me. It's 'moderate prices' in such a prestigious location - Place Dauphine on the tip of Ile de la Cité - does intrigue a bit. Who could and would offer 'moderate prices' where they could probably get away with extortionate ones?

Perhaps it's run by some little old granny who's still living in ancient francs and 1950s values. Or maybe some philanthropist who doesn't want to exploit people more than necessary - does that still exist in these materialistic days?

The Place Dauphine is as close as you can get to the Place des Vosges elsewhere in Paris, as it was constructed by this hotel's namesake, Henri IV, with its pretty red bricks and limestone and sleek slate roofs giving a certain unity which doesn't exist today due to changes over the ages. The Dauphine was actually male, Henri IV's son, the future Louis XIII, who got the actually triangular 'square' named in his honour. Nice nod if you can get it.

But you probably knew all that. For the moment I'll leave you with this rather idealised image of one of the last remaining 'reasonable' hotels in a sought-after area, hoping that one of you will check it out for me some time and let me know what it's like. Bon séjour à Paris !

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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