Thursday, 26 January 2012

Paint Me Paris

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Paint Me Paris ~

Untitled, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

It's so nice to see an old friend making it. And if an erstwhile scrabbling street artist gets the call from Samsung (no less) you can suppose he's 'made it' to some extent, or to all intents and purposes, depending on definitions of 'making it'.

Jérôme and his white man are an inescapable part of the off-the-beaten-track Parisian landscape, if you've managed to get out there, and here he has his... I was looking for a fancy word for success but 'comeuppance' was the only thing that sprang to mind! As if he hasn't had enough comeuppance in the past. You come upon him all over the place...

So Miss.Tic has heeded the call, and now Jérôme, and I'm sure there will be others (maybe me!). We'll see. But in the meantime, wow, what a relief from the sickeningly slimy L'Oréals and Omegas of this world...

And I quite fancy swapping smartphone suppliers into the bargain!

(P.S. This is an advertising hoarding covering La Concièrgerie, which as I type has been replaced by another artists but still Samsung - and you can see the current tendency to give an artistic hint of what's behind the coverings)

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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