Thursday, 24 February 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Past, President & Future'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Past, President & Future ~

Past, Present & Future, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Three generations of presidents, or that's what the press might like us to believe.

Bottom right, fading softly into the mists of time, past glories firmly assumed, the old guard gets on with less political matters. This particular turn of phrase, translated directly into English, always makes me smile: "Chirac: a happy moment - He marries his daughter Claude".

And don't they make a lovely couple?

Zipping diagonally up to top left, the image tells quite another story. Strangely enough, I don't remember many instances of Chirac looking quite so preoccupied. But then he was never called 'Tsarkozy', 'le Roi Sarko', 'Emperor Sarko I' or 'l'Omniprésident', which are a lot of not-so-affectionate sobriquets to live up to.

DSK, as Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French economist, lawyer and politician is known, is also one of the hot favourites to run for president on the opposite side of the tracks to the present incumbent, despite having been supported by the latter in becoming the boss of the IMF. He looks assured and confident. Satisfied, almost.

Maybe he should cast a glance over to his right to see what happens after a few years in the highest office. That might make his smirk slip a little. Not that he's actually said he's running for president, yet. That's all the press trying to sell copies. And it looks like it works.

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.


Marilyn said...

And maybe the French should look a little into DSK's past shenanigans.

Sab said...

And if politics is your thing, there was plenty of it this weekend. Should I admit that I didn't really understand who MAM was or is? No, I should not. I don't follow politics much.

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