Sunday, 27 February 2011

Paris and I ~ 'No Regrets'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ No Regrets ~

No Regrets, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Were those buildings behind her ever really behind 'her'? They look far too recent, horrendously recent and ugly, to me.

Did she walk these actual, suspiciously modern-looking 'cobblestones', which aren't really cobblestones at all? Probably not.

But did her rich, evocative tones ring out around these working class streets, this little lady on her way to enchanting the whole world? Indubitably.

Now here's a thought. Given the choice, would you prefer to actually be living here and then, at a time when she was young and unknown and alive, and you could experience those unforgettable melodies 'first ear'?

Or do you prefer looking down on a statue and listening to memories and admiring an unsightly, decidedly un-Parisian building?

Maybe tomorrow's working class hero is singing on a street corner or in a metro corridor right now, just waiting to be discovered. And why not? Any sculptors out there?

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.


Claudia Carroll said... regrets...not to go back, but to live in Paris any time! How fortunate though that she lived at time of recorded voice, so we can hear her plantif, shimmering voice when we wish. Thanks for the post.

Sab said...

Hi Claudia, yes, you're right - imagine all those people who have produced beautiful music we will never hear! And at the rate music is being produced and recorded these days, I'm amazed there's enough space in people's lugholes for it all to go in...

Marilyn said...

I like the building, but the statue is awful.

Sab said...

I love the photo, but then that's me ;-D

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