Friday, 18 February 2011

Paris and I ~ 'Hug An Anhedonist Day'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Hug An Anhedonist Day ~

Hug An Anhedonist Day, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

I've just discovered there's such a thing as an 'anhedonist', and I wanna be one / have one. Sounds a scream, doesn't it?

No, it sounds scary. Unimaginable. Sad. ly.

I actually found it in a rather pooh-, sorry I mean po-faced description of Eeyore on the new kinda-bring-everything-together site through a robot woman, called Qwiki (the site, not the woman - she's called Suki, probably).

I dunno. Is Eeyore an anhedonist, or just a pessimist or a misery-guts, and what's the difference?

I was chatting to a friend, a Dane, who was comparing a little skiing town to life in the Big P, and he wasn't impressed by the miserable attitude of most Parisians as he perceived it. People totally stressed out, having a fit if they can't squeeze into the last centimetre-cubed of metro carriage space in order to gain a precious minute and a half of some other aspect of their lives at the cost of a sardine sandwich for 300.

Looking around I do see potential anhedonists as I drift through the city, but on the whole I'm not pessimistic myself about things. I know it's all temporary, all the moods, the situations, the wild walkway rides, the moving ons, the staying the sames.

There are plenty of good people out there, and you're probably one of them, so if you do see a closet fun-lover, give them a hug today. You never know - they might just thank you for it!

© 2011
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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